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RE: MIndful Monday - It' really is ME

When I started learning about mindfulness, there was so much on what you have to do. It's been through the weekly posts and meeting people that has helped shape my interpretation. I think it's human nature to try to define things and our wonderful abilities to over think and over analyze that has really confused a lot of people about what mindfulness is or is not.

I think why it's becoming a 'movement' is there are so many are getting tired of the controlling aspects of life especially others telling us how we have to life, who we can like and how to behave. If we don't follow their thinking we're wrong. Along with wanting to have less stress ourselves and just wanting a 'better' life.

This has sidetracked me a bit as I feel I need to understand these things and this particular definition of mindfullness, as it goes further.

This is the reason I started these posts. Help myself better understand different aspects in a way that makes sense to me. It is definitely working.