I was very sad reading this post @tryskele. It is all too common that we cross paths with people who are legalistic, self-righteous, and hypocritical. In the name of religion and supposedly doing "good." I would imagine most of your readers have had similar experiences. I certainly have.
They were the chief barrier to my coming to faith. But, I am grateful that God graciously helped me overcome all of the man-made religiosity and learned about true relationship. With the Creator of all that is.
I agree with this:
"We shouldn't be afraid of having a discussion on any subject."
I grew up hearing "in polite company, we don't talk about religion or politics ..." Really? Why? Anyway, I for one don't let it stop me, if it seems appropriate.
I hope all is well with you, as you deal with the losses you mention in the beginning. I know that can be hard. Take care!