My Buttered Back and Ye, Stick in the Mud

My Buttered Back
butter wouldn’t melt
bon mots; saccharin’d and sugared
such a sweet talker
no need for bitter sharp words
armed with a slicing dagger

Ye, Stick in the Mud
ye, stick in the mud
cast a pall; thou party poop
who died; made you judge
Ye, Stick in the Mud

Words and Images are my own.
My Buttered Back and Ye, Stick in the Mud are published in Monsters, Avatars, and Angels. Monsters, Avatars, and Angels is available in paperback or digital through amazon and your local libraries and bookstores. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.

Very strong yellow tone to wake me up!
Yup! The stuck in the mud!
At least you could be what you are
Never care for the poop or the dead
The stick in the mud will get a kick
But it won’t budge from the mud
Life is but a few moments of freedom found along the mud!
Lucky sod that stick and mud!
Wonderful. Thank you for the answer in verse:) Hope you are having a wonderful day:)
Oh! Life was quite volatile, just like the volatility in crypto’s prices these few days! The interdependent connections of all these webs of relationships! Phew! Quite exhausting.
I hear you ... it's almost like someone is playing around with reality;) I get tired being a plaything for Gods;)
Thank you very much! Time is running short too as I am trying to catch up with all my unfinished tasks!
Good luck.
Amazing. This pictures are so so good👏👏👏😍
Thank you so much, Luisana:)
You are welcome dear😊
Whether it is intended to or not, this line reminds me of that sour roommate everyone had in college who insists that the party stop at 10.
Haha ... yes. I remember. But it is for the sour pusses where ever they reside. This is my son's favorite of my work.
That bumble bee is almost camouflaged among the yellows and the blacks.
He does seem to have gotten the memo:)