You have to watch that short fuse mate, as it can make you do silly things.
Someone said that life is not fair and that it likes to strike us at inopportune moments.
What you are going through is not an easy burden for anyone to carry and your strength and compassion will certainly be tested. Remember that tears are also a good thing, even when we say that we are tough and we never cry. But I have spilled a few tears in my time, especially at times when one feels so powerless.
Keep on talking and stay busy mate as you are the anchor and it's essential for you to stay strong so the others can lean on you!
Faith, your mother in law and you are in our prayers!
Yeah, life's not fair and so Faith and I just do what we do, make the best of it that we can. I'm not so worried about myself but get angry that I can't make it all go away; Faith deserves better than this.
Thanks for your words and thoughts, much appreciated.
Our hearts and spirits are with you guys on this journey
This life tests the strongest and the weakest, to humble the strongest and to empower the weakest, but we are all just as strong as the air that we breathe.
My mom and my younger sister also deserved better, but we hope that Faith will come out of all of this triumphant!
Like I said, you are now her anchor!
Thank you for the token.
Thanks Zac, I appreciate your words and thoughts. You've always been supportive and we appreciate it. :)
With you all the way Galen and only asking for the best for you guys!
tokens.Thank you @galenkp