Spooky Tree Tuesday!!


On certain nights, if that old moon is just right, casting its blow on the pines...makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end!


Now this tree might not be too scary looking, but that is just a disguise. After all not every tree can be made into witches brooms!


A shag bark hickory always looks a little spooky!



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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites.

 4 years ago  

After the first shot, I was too spooked to go on. You should have saved it for last!!!!

Great shots and you sure know how to put a spook show together.

Upped and Reposted

I like that first picture, I have driven roads like that, on cold dam foggy nights with the full moon bright enough to see through the low hanging mist. Wondering what if anything will jump out in front of your car, hoping its not a moose that was scared by a loud sound. Scary thought in Alaska moose running in front of the car on frozen surface and unable to stop, and you unable to stop, and hoping it it not going to be you leaving the red spot on the road.

I love old paths through the woods or dirt roads under the moon light. Something that Ichabod Crane would be riding along. Watch out for the Headless Horseman!!

I painted a scene like the first photo, but with less trees and a moon lingering above.. Maybe I'll have to do a story and post on the painting. hmmmm.

 4 years ago  

That first picture is fantastic! That really brings an emotion to the season.

This photos are beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing