The patience you had while taking these incredible photographs is commendable, as anything that flies doesn't tend to stay still very long and even less so when it sees a human approaching!
Welcome to Power House Creatives and congratulations on the newcomer highlight!💫
And thank you for the show of support hon. Really appreciate all of you that take the time to come to these posts and show your fellow members some love!
Awww, that was super sweet of you say!💕
I'm still awake and my sleepy eyes are reading this at almost 4:30am. Thank you for making me smile 😀 and for the tip! @Jaynie
Hope your Saturday is a terrific one!💫
My pleasure and thank you too!
Track Of The Week! (2020 Round 8) - Share Your Tunes And Win The Post Earnings! (Last Weeks Winner @Eugelys Won 12.854 Steem)@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @ninahaskin! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @jaynie!