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RE: Wish-list places I want to go: #2

Besides that Malta is an island on the Mediterranean sea, it also embraces Blockchain technology and its advancement.

There are many historic sites within its township as well, Game of Thrones was also shot in Malta. I just think it's a pretty place for sight seeing.

Then Shanghai, is really a beautiful place according to the images ive seen, it serves as the most influential economic, financial, international trade, and cultural center in East China.

I'd really just like to go for a vac or two around there to have the experience of what its like.


Fair enough, was just curious. Some of GoT was filmed in Malta, not all, and yep, Old like to go there too. I'm not interested in the slightest in China though. Just not for me. I like some of the food, but there's a thousand other places I'd visit before going there.

Yes yes some, I forgot to emphasize that.

Loool, well,...I guess I still have to look around more, what makes me attracted to a place is pretty much the sight seeing.

In all your travels, have you had any weird experience you'd never want to have again?

In all your travels, have you had any weird experience you'd never want to have again?

Hmm, this is a good question. To be honest I haven't had any weird experiences as such. We've been very fortunate to have trouble-free travelling. There was one time I got arrested though I guess.

We were in Thailand and I was riding a motorbike. There the rider has to wear a helmet, not the passenger. They only gave me one helmet though so I gave it to Faith (my wife) to use and I rode around without one. Loads of people were doing it so I figured, all good.

It wasn't good though, it was bad.

I got pulled over by a cop with a machine gun and he was going to fine me. I decided that I'd offer him a bribe...That's didn't go down so well. The arrested me, took me to the station and gave me a bit of a lecture...Mostly in Thai, some in English. They ended up letting me go after I payed a fine, (about $30AUD) and that was that. I made my way to Faith, who stayed with the bike, and we went on our way.

The funny thing was that in the police station there were about 5 other Aussies, all of whom had done exactly the same thing! Lol.

Other than that I guess we've had really great experiences.

😂😂😂 nice share, thanks....
Why didnt they arrest the bike rider though....instead of the passenger....i might have freaked out being the one.