This is me letting the universe what I want... and I'm willing to work for it

My son asked me how old I am, I told him I am 41, he replied wow, that's a big number... 😒 time to get to work.


I think Jim Carrey said it best in a speech he gave to a graduating class. In the speech he said -

As far as I can tell, it's all about letting the universe know what you want and working toward it while letting go of how comes to pass.

Well Uni, you know what I want right? we've talked before, many times, and at great length. Often during moments of great frustration or deep depression. Sometimes I feel as if your that person in the bar who pretends to listen to me but is really checking out that redhead in the low cut shirt. but that's not the case is it? I know your listening, always listening, I've been the one ignoring you. (and checking out the redhead in the low cut shirt)


The funny thing is that once I really started listening to you the sound was so deafening. So many opportunities and answers that I needed to learn to sort them all out and how to focus on the ones that might truly change my life. It's tough to pick and choose though, I often wonder if I am making a choice based on what's best for my future self or what's easier at the time.

But you have that covered too, right? In the form of a BS detector, one that's built right into our conciseness. It's something that goes off with bells and whistles and the most annoying sounds in the world when we are doing or acting or thinking in a way that directly or indirectly goes against what we truly desire. Most of us (including myself) have learned to turn this alarm's volume down to the point it's barely audible or we try to drown it out with so many distractions that it becomes only background noise, that we can easily tune out.

So make better choices. Use my free time in better ways than watching youtube videos or "relaxing" with a drink. concentrating on something more on distracting myself than actually working towards my goals.

but it's about more than time, isn't it? it's about everything I do, say, think, and feel. It's about asking myself many times a day if I am acting in a way that reflects who I say I am.


Well uni, this is me acting in a way that reflects who I say I am. Creating art and working to better my skills and listening to you tell me what's next.

P.S Uni, if you don't open a door or a window, I WILL blast a hole and find my own way through.... just saying... 😁
