I join this contest sponsored by @ zord189 again, this time we must mention or refer to 2 of my strengths and 2 of my weaknesses.
Talking about strengths and weaknesses are very interesting topics. Before mentioning what my strengths and weaknesses are, it is important to issue a concept, to be more clear about what each of them are.
When we talk about strengths, they are all the capacities that we have and help us to carry out actions or tasks by themselves, we can say they are qualities that make us stand out, that stand out and make us see more advantageous over others, instead Weaknesses are negative aspects, not very useful attributes that prevent us from moving forward and achieving our goals.
My 2 strengths:
1)Companionship: that is one of my greatest strengths, being a good companion through thick and thin, I like to help from the heart, I like to respect the differences of each partner, of which I can contribute a grain of sand to improve it , I like to work in a team without complications, I adapt to any work environment, always looking to make friends and be a good partner in my work team.
2)The sense of good humor: I am characterized by always leading life in a different way of seeing things, always looking for him or dealing with daily problems from a good mood, so I try to find creative solutions, stress relief and tension before a certain problem or situation.
My 2 weaknesses
1)Disorderly, this is a weakness that I always have in mind in some situations, at home I like to always leave the room untidy, I recognize that it is a great weakness but I try as much as possible to correct it, I always say that within my disorder I have a great order (laugh), there is my weakness in my room, but I try to fix it as soon as possible, but then I fall into disorder again. It should be noted that only in that area am I a bit messy and for me it is a weakness.
2)Cowardice There are certain situations that make me be a coward and I am trying to overcome that cowardice, since I know that sometimes I have not been able to move forward because of being a coward, that weakness in some situations of my life such as making decisions for certain things attacks me. cowardice and does not let me move forward I am working on that weakness.