Fruits Yards Picking

Yard produce has been a favorite thing in our neighborhood, it's not a surprise when we get home we will find a bag containing some fruits or vegetables on the porch.

So in our yard, we have some apple trees, peaches, almonds and some olive trees. I bet the previous owner planted them for some purposes, since California is too hot and too dry.


Thinking to do the same thing just like other neighbor, so we pick some apples and peaches, but that wasn't what we planned because all apples and peaches got some bugs inside.

Olive trees by the street.

Well, we are not that experience with all these trees. We may need to put some extra care next season. Anyway, we still have some OLIVES coming in few weeks and that will be better ones for the neighbor and myself to make some olive's pickle.


So those fruits we picked are not to eat but to toss, what a waste. Feel bad had to throw food.

My son is being so helpful on picking some apples and peaches.


If insects live in a fruit, this fruit is not contaminated with chemicals, that's good. The fruit may not be ripe yet.

Hi aulia, I don't think I can eat them because the bugs are inside the fruits.

Hi visionaer, yep ..the bugs are living inside the fruit, and the fruit will drop to the ground before it's ripe. I just don't have enough courage to consume them since many health problem out there.

This year create a to-do list for next year. You have nice fruit next year.

What is a bug in the fruit? I think it's outside.
I forgot that bug bugs are a pest for some plants. they will suck up the fruit liquid so that the fruit can no longer be used. that happened to me 2 years ago.

at that time my rice field failed to harvest. It really surprised me at that time. because I've struggled to take care of him.

in my life, I have never seen an apple tree directly. I really want to see it.

lugina, why did you throw away the fruit? is it because there are bugs in the tree?

The taste of eating fresh apples from the garden tree is different.