One way to travel through time is through memories. From time to time it is necessary to remember those good moments that fill us with nostalgia, the journey traveled on the platform is a good alternative to see reflected each of the experiences in each shared post and also see how much we have grown in knowledge.
My first post after having published the introductory post was a guitar lesson titled "Problems When Improvising Guitar Solos" the original post is in Spanish.
I made this post on August 13, 2017 3 years ago.
You can see the original post HERE
- Title: "Problems When Improvising Guitar Solos"
- Publication date: August 13, 2017
Hello to all the steemit community, today I bring you this interesting post about one of the most important issues for every guitarist and they are the problems when improvising guitar solos, this problem is usually very common among guitarists and is that at the time of improvise using the scales we do not know how to execute them in the correct way, so here I give you some recommendations to take into account.
The objective of this post is to help understand those guitarists who are beginning to learn to play this instrument or those who may have been playing the guitar for a while but still find it difficult to understand how to use scales to improvise alone.
The first thing to know is what key is the song in, the chord progression where the scale is going to be executed because in this way you can identify in which key it is and also which scales can be used, for example one of the scales The most widely used and very common is the so-called pentatonic scale which is structured or consists of 5 notes.
It is important to highlight that of the scales used to improvise, only certain notes or phrases that compose it are taken, always being within the chords of the harmonic circle, it is worth mentioning that before executing these scales, prior knowledge must be had, techniques such as They are the ascending binding (Hammer-On), descending binding (Pull-Off), Slide (Slide), Stretching rope (Bend) among other techniques. All these techniques are applied to be able to convey what we want to express with the guitar solo.
These techniques can be applied to both acoustic (classical) guitar and electric guitar, although they are usually more applied to electric guitar. Having clarified this, if you still do not know these techniques, here I explain what they consist of and how they are executed.
- Ascendant Linked (Hammer-On): It consists of holding down a note on a fret when playing a string and in an ascending way, pressing another note on another fret without touching that string again. For example, play string 3 at fret 7 and then without playing the same string again, strike fret 9. As shown in the next gif below.

- Descending binding (Pull-Off): The downward binding or pull-off, unlike hammer on, consists of holding down a note at a fret when playing a string and descendingly pressing another note at another fret without touching said string again. that is, for example, play string 3 on fret 9 and downwardly press fret 7 without touching the same string again, it is only played once.

- Stretch rope (Bend): It consists of stretching the rope until reaching a higher note (acute), independently the rope can be stretched up or down. For example, in the following gif, string 3 is stretched at fret 9 until it reaches the same note at fret 11.

- Slide: This technique is perhaps somewhat obvious as its name implies, it consists of sliding the finger on a string from one fret to another fret. For example slide your index finger on string 3 from fret 7 to 9 as shown below.
Well friends this has been all I hope it has helped you, these are just basic knowledge to apply when improvising guitar solos I recommend you continue investigating and practicing most of the scales that exist applying everything explained in this post and thus develop as guitarists. Thank you very much for reading the post!
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