So, do I have to DO something to join Lifestyles? It is listed as a 'tribe' in steempeak, but when I have used the tag, it didn't change color the way creative coin and palnet do.
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So, do I have to DO something to join Lifestyles? It is listed as a 'tribe' in steempeak, but when I have used the tag, it didn't change color the way creative coin and palnet do.
It is a tribe and I think @abh12345 would be able to give you more info on that - but as far as I understand, as long as your post is "lifestyle" related.. you can use it.
I wonder though, why when I've used the tag (three times now) in steempeak, where it states that tribe tags will be different, and indeed the two that I use DO change to a lighter blue as opposed to the usual dark blue, Lifestyles stays dark blue? 😧Thank you very much for this info @jaynie. You're a good friend.
My pleasure Jerry :) Happy to be considered your friend... that put a big smile on my face :D
As for the tag issue...That is odd indeed! Try clicking your mouse somewhere else (outside of the tag area) and then click back into it and type lifestyle again....?
For whatever reason, that has worked for me a couple of times before.
So far, I've three posts where I've used that tag

As you can see here, the only ones that show as tribes are CC and Palnet
I'll try to remember that next time. I FOLLOWED @abh12345 you said might be able to help me, but I've not approached him about anything yet
ooooh ok, I see the problem. It is meant to be singular, not plural... ie. lifestyle.
Yes, when I went to use if last night (as the first tag) it popped out with the choice of lifestyleS or "lifestyle-tribe" so I chose that one. It changed color, and the "tribe" dropped off.
Thanks @jaynie
Woohoooo!!!! Glad you got it all sorted Jerry :)