"Crooked Astrologer" if you don't like your life, change it


I went to a psychic, to see what the stars foretold.
Gloom and mayhem was there to behold. I
Didn’t like what the stars had arranged,
So I got a crooked Astrologer and
Had my Horoscope changed.

Paraphrased from memory
Biff Rose, almost live at the Bitter End” circa 1970
Jerry E Smith,

Is there something you were destined to be?
Destined to DO?
Do you think that the “astral forces” decide your fate?
I don’t think so.

Our fates, our destinies are decided by our
OWN decisions and our OWN actions.
The things we do, the things we say


This is an unalterable
The sooner we come to terms with that FACT,
The quicker we can get back to

That is all, either accept your fate,

Addendum today,
Now I have something to say. Recently, at JUST about the WORST time possible,
HIVEWATCHERS decided to rear their ugly (albeit well meaning)
Heads up and censure me and god know how many others,
Was it just me?
No, I'm not that important.
I voted for

I had no ideas that they were going to be the ones to decide
THE FATE of my postings.
Would it have made any difference?
It would not!!!

The points of view and the opinions I share are mine
And I will accept the consequences thereof.
They are wrong, and self expression is right @patrice for witness, as well as @aynx and @guiltyparties


These .gifs were created for me by @coquiunlimited; many thanks



What happened?

I've been all over discord for the last couple of weeks, explaining what happened, I didn't come to Hivewatchers/Dispute because in essence the censure was correct; I DO repost older
Writings that have been posted in STEEMIT previously.
The point about "at the worst possible time" was because Hive was brand new, the Pandemic had everyone locked in place, stresses were high, and I did not need that at that time.Good Morning Ms @patrice

Three posts in a row, I got this (keep in mind I was asleep, I saw it when I got up)
So by the time the third one hit, I guess the bot thought I was ignoring it and the post was downvoted to nothing. For days after that, my income per post was noticeably smaller.
There are so many explanations, which I understand on the surface, but not really.
"You're double dipping into the reward pool"
Did Steemit and the Hive share a reward pool? I'm powering down my SP>Steem, selling it on Ionomy and converting it to Hive, so would THAT not be an even more blatant double dip? That money was paid for the same post, so why isn't that worthy of rocking the boat of any user who tries to bring dirty steem money over to the Hive?
"The Curators don't need to spend time tracking down posts"
then don't.

If people have already seen, read and voted on a post, why do they upvote again, unless the post was WORTHY OF IT?

Since then, I've been making a concerted effort in reformatting, looking for some change in wording that won't effect the generally POSITIVE, UPLIFTING messages of BROTHERHOOD, RESPECT THE PLANET, CONSERVE RESOURCES aspects of my writings.

Thank you for that.I feel stunted and put upon @patrice, but I am also very glad that you took the time to come and see.

I'm sorry I can't help. I'm not part of @hivewatchers and I have no input on their scope. Re-posting older content IMO is subjective. There are posts that never lose their value or relevance.

You are listed right on their page in the server
That is the only reason I tagged you, and I agree, some posts never lost their value or relevance.
Sorry to have bothered you, but as you can see, Hive watchers has you listed.
Thank you @patrice