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RE: Introducing THE LIFESTYLE LOUNGE community

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago

Winging it is a good substitute for a strategic plan...After all, it's how most of us get through life!

It is all I know ;) prevents me from become stuck or rigid in manner and mindset.

What defines us is how we deal with challenge and who we become when it visits, as it has with you most recently. ✅

...story of my life man! :D

Sometimes you have to take a step backward to take two steps forward. Sometimes the pills are bitter and others not, but each and every time you have the choice for it to add to the making or breaking of you.


Yep, the choice. We all have it, most are too afraid to make it...Which is a choice in itself anyway.

So true!

I suppose learning through experience that none if it has any true power over you helps.

All we can do is take ownership for and responsibility of ourselves...And control the controllable things...Oh, and take action too. The rest...Well, the cards will fall as they may.

Truth. :)