All that GLITTERS is NOT GOLD & all that is OLD is not covered in mold.

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE5 years ago (edited)

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The bitterness of poor quality remains long after sweetness of low prices are forgotten.

So I just got into a little bit of Twitter banter with @sergiomendes, which came about because he responded to a tweet of mine….


It got me thinking and definitely not for the first time about stuff like this. I could say that I do not include myself in this thought process, but I am not a liar... and I absolutely DO - but over and above myself, I include MANY, MANY others.

Yes, we are a team (in the grand scheme of things) - or we should be at least... and yes, there are many people making amazing efforts for Hive as a whole these days - but I cannot say that I am not a little annoyed by certain things I see unfolding...

There are many people around here who have been actively punting this blockchain for YEARS... yes, literally YEARS in many creative and proactive ways... in the background as well as the forefront - and I have often noticed (especially lately) how so few of them are actually acknowledged for their efforts, yet somehow... those that were completely MIA when all the Steem shit hit the fan (or any other kind of shit for that matter) are suddenly "BACK IN ACTION" with shiny new suits tossing glitter and lollipops all over the place. In addition to this I am also frustrated by the following...

I am a graphic designer by trade. I may not actually DO design work anymore (out of choice) but with 18 years in the field it always REALLY annoyed me how society managed to cheapen and devalue literally EVERYTHING. What I spent 3 years studying... is now offered in 6 weeks. Instant gratification.... EVERYTHING!!! and the same is becoming apparent here on Hive. People who have been here for less than a month are ADVISING people!!!!! I have been here for 3+ years and I mostly opt NOT to advise anyone unless it is something I am 210% sure of... but for the sake of "marketing"... everyone seems to be a bloody expert now and that (to my mind anyway) is a HUUUUUGE problem! But that is another issue entirely! Getting back to my original point... there are literally HUNDREDS of people in this space that have been advocating and working tirelessly for a VERY long time.

Many of these people NEVER seek recognition for what they do, because they do it from a place of love, passion and dedication... but the fact that it does not get acknowledged - makes me pretty SAD!!!! Actually, to be more frank... I think it is BULLSHIT!

(September 2017)@zord189 has been a catalyst in the success of MANY communities Not only because of the creative skills he has shared with so MANY - but also because of his unwavering kindness and dedication to this blockchain and the people within, DESPITE juggling an enormously demanding career in animation! I am CERTAIN that there is not a parent around here reading this that is NOT familiar with Doc McStuffins... and YES - THAT is the AWESOMENESS that is @zord189!

Zord has been my right hand man for YEARS now (and we MET because he was trying to HELP me) and has become one of my BEST friends!! I do not doubt for a second that COUNTLESS others would say the same! 90% of the cool animated Hive banners (and previously Steem banners) which you see floating around... are compliments of Zord. He has also run weekly contests for YEARS now... (and continues to do so) encouraging creativity and engagement within Hive. His latest contest being If I were a Blockchain Where is the HYPE about these efforts?!!

(September 2017)@thekittygirl is one of this blockchains most precious assets. I have NO DOUBT that HUNDREDS of people would testify to this... (@saffisara @enginewitty being only TWO) She is in literally EVERY discord server that Hive has going and she is ACTIVE in every single one! She helps EVERYONE she can and is KNOWN for going ABOVE AND BEYOND. She NEVER asks for a DAMN thing in return but it annoys me that I don't feel she gets anywhere NEAR the recognition she warrants!

(the brainchild of @xcountytravelers)Over and above that... she is a part of the founding team on @theterminal THESE are the people (@brittandjosie,@jamerussell @wesphilbin, @drakernoise, @justclickindiva @derekrichardson) which are there to GUIDE those who are NEW to the blockchain... you know... the one's that none of the whales could be ARSED to deal with! Teaching them, educating them, steering them and pretty much filling up all the POTHOLES which the "powers that be" ignore time and time again!



(January 2018) Our resident Dutch Blonde Bombshell@brittandjosie ! Outspoken, honest, shoots from the hip but above all... does EVERYTHING she can for the people in this space! Passionately running the @heyhaveyamet initiative alongside @jamerussell, which proactively works at connecting existing members of Hive with all of our "new arrivals". Britt also works alongside @justclickindiva with the #redfishrally initiative which ACTIVELY supports the "little guys". Why have THESE efforts not been "promoted" and appreciated by the "powers that be".



(June 2017) literally spends every waking hour sharing peoples Hive posts on Twitter as well as offering DAILY to support others posts (and has done so forever)... he has also been running the ZapFic contest for as far back as I can remember!!! I don't see anyone or any whales "raving" about



@mariannewest (August 2017) Founder of the @freewritehouse. This one REALLY pisses me off... because this lady has literally been PIVOTAL in shifting HUNDREDS of bloggers and "people in general" - helping them in discovering their creative voice! People who thought they "could not" write are now CHALLENGING themselves and WRITING! Pushing their boundaries and discovering hidden talents, expressing suppressed emotion and simply "daring to be". Of ALL the communities around here... the FREE WRITERS is one that warrants a LOT more recognition!!!! So WHERE IS IT?!!!!!


I am one person on this blockchain mentioning a mere handful. There are COUNTLESS others that have been here for a VERY long time (longer than some of our whales in fact) that in my opinion are NOT getting the recognition they deserve! "What do you mean by recognition?!" - aaah piss off! You know EXACTLY what I mean! Support their content or contest. Delegate to them - I REALLY don't think I should have to spell it out.



Lastly, I am going to speak about my own efforts here. I feel passionate about the other people mentioned above because I too, am one of those individuals that has been here through "thick and thin" - every bump in the road. Since June 2017 to be precise. I have rallied when we were called to rally. I have promoted when we were called to promote and I have LOUDLY advocated for this space for a VERY, VERY long time! The community I founded has and still is dedicated to the growth and development of the Hive blockchain.

I am WELL aware of the fact that I am NOT everybody's cup of tea... and I am good with that because I am not here to win a popularity contest. I am here to fulfill my passions and ONE of those, is to BRING people together and UPLIFT the "little man". - NOT everybody is cut out to be ENDLESSLY DEDICATED and therefore they reject "proactive prompts" and structured instruction. We have thus been called everything from "elitist pricks" to a "cult" lol...

There is nothing to do but laugh at the mockery because those who are dedicated to a cause... see NO STOP SIGNS! They simply PRESS ON! Aaaah lest I bring up the @theycallmedan dpoll's story @zord189 lol... when 25 - yes, TWENTY FIVE people took on communities comprised of THOUSANDS! TWICE in a row we proved the weight of our dedication and that when there is a WILL there is a WAY!


In conclusion, I am PRO the "proactive" promotion of this blockchain, but I am NOT in favour AT ALL of the sheer DISREGARD for the people who have been ploughing this ground a LOT longer than the current opportunists who have suddenly risen from the dead and the others who just jump on their coat tails for the sake of attention... NOR am I in favour of the "carrots" being dangled by larger communities (yet again) under the "guise" of "supporting the little man". Way too much "shallow manipulation" going on and yet nobody says or sees a thing... but I will.

“All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien

Just saying...


Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx


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A community dedicated to producing quality content in multiple genres,
offering our subscribers a read worthy feed.


Created by @derangedvisions



Hello. I'm only a year into Hive and a Minnow. I don't know everything, nor do I profess to.

"All that glitters AIN'T Gold." Is how I heard it. How appropriate to mention this with the new initiatives cropping up almost every week. I can hardly keep up with them all.I totally agree with all points you stated in your article @jaynie. The old sayings I've found to be true during my lifetime, especially this one:

From the longstanding Hive members who have been onboard since the beginning, congratulation to your commitment to the blockchain. You deserve all that comes your way. I have come to know several. Their dedication to helping, teaching, and promoting unity is known, at least in my small circle. Please keep up the great work you are doing. For without you, including you @jaynie,

I feel there really would be a void left in the platform by the ONES WHO KNOW, compared to the ONES WHO THINK THEY KNOW (the new shiny objects).

To my partner at The Terminal @brittanjosie and to her fellow founder @thekittygirl, there are no words to express how you have helped not only me but countless other Redfish find their way and help learn how to conduct ourselves on the platform. The staff at The Terminal is a free teaching machine to all who care to learn.

Thanks all mentioned in your article for the advice, guidance, and knowledge you've given freely to me.

And thank YOU love for coming forward to VALIDATE my point! All engines require cogs and sometimes a spanner needs to be thrown in between to show the glamourous "body" that without the engine... absolutely NOTHING would work! !tip

Waste Not - Want Not! - Life Is Too Short!@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @justclickindiva! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

A M E N !
Where to start.... well i could copy 90% of this great blog and make it into a Britt blog, because its the truth.
The last few months I had many moments where i thought
But even with my time here and the engagement that was inchangeable. Do I agree NO, most certainly not, and with some of you I have shared my new not so positive gut feeling. Did that change things no, when money and or status is involved people sometimes take a turn , well lets say is not mine.

What gets me SO MAD, Is that when newbies, with 2 months on the platform, 10 BLOGS MADE and 48 hp go advice others and : advice wrong!!!!!!

We have seen that during the Rally last months. We suddenly had more staff!!! I hated it and i just dont understand, and refuse to do so. The first student has to rise that knows how and where to help the ones in need, BETTER THAN THE ONES THAT HAVE BEEN HERE LONGER. And the fact that they all come to suck dry and move on , well thats them, and not me its all about PAYING IT FORWARD well those words arent in the minds of those we are talking about here.

That made me change my MO here, I haven’t decided on all but when I do i will tell in a blog.

~ I am WELL aware of the fact that I am NOT everybody's cup of tea... and I am good with that because I am not here to win a popularity contest. I am here to fulfill my passions and ONE of those, is to BRING people together and UPLIFT the "little man". - NOT everybody is cut out to be ENDLESSLY DEDICATED and therefore they reject "proactive prompts" and structured instruction. We have thus been called everything from "elitist pricks" to a "cult" lol... ~ thats your quote but i agree and i am with you cup to cup and I do appreciate all you did and still do.

For now this is it , but the blogbun is in the oven for the time i Have had enough,


hahahaha I love those teacups darling!!!! :D
I know you have voiced your thoughts on this sort of thing before too and I would love to see another post about it from you because I really feel like it needs to be aired.

Love you! !tip

All That Glitters Is Not Gold & All That Is Old Is Not Covered In Mold.@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @brittandjosie! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

I hear you loud and clear.
Hugs to you - and you are awesome!

I laughed immediately when I woke up this morning when I read about the '25 against China story'. It will be something definitely to be proud of! I do agree with you that many who are the 'actual pillars'(including you) bringing value to Hive do not have recognition which is sad because if one day, these pillars leave, it will be just another... Dare I say it... Steem.

Luv u to the moon and back

I totally agree, comment well taken

LOL We need a GIF for that don't we lol!

Love you too, always there bear!

because if one day, these pillars leave, it will be just another... Dare I say it... Steem.

...yip, pretty much like when surfer marly finally had enough and said ADIOS. People can only give so much on repeat before they eventually lose enthusiasm.


From now on, I will just say '@jaynie, tell him/her the china story' and you'll get it instantly :) Heheh

lol... naaaah We need a GIF - like sparta vibes lol

Rosemary & Black Pepper Steak Night With Cheesy Chilli & Mushroom Sauce@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @zord189! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Wow... Well said! I could picture you pacing up and down during that (well justified) rant!

Thanks for the mention, and thanks for all you do for the community. You (and the people you mentioned above, and a few others too), your passion and drive, are what makes this place fantabulous

Posted using Dapplr

hahahaha!!! Actually I was vegetating on my couch at the time of writing this... although my mind was certainly pacing lol!

Thanks for the mention, and thanks for all you do for the community.

Thank you too - in all honesty, the core of PHC is without question my greatest motivator.


All That Glitters Is Not Gold & All That Is Old Is Not Covered In Mold.@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Let me start with this, because otherwise I'll forget :)

Not all those who wander are lost;

That, sister, is my favorite line in all the literature I have read. Thanks for it.

I came to PHC looking for something specific. In all honesty, I was looking for a replacement to theSteemEngine. It was a magical band of misfits that put out really good content every single day. But that wasn't all they did. They fought the original 'Whale Wars'. I've only been around since January of 18, but I got to the Engine in time to see the Bernie Bash and Jerry Banfield in action. The people there just took their beating and got back up and took another. And another.

Which brings me to PHC. Like the Engine the primary population is incredibly interested in doing the right thing. Not once in a while, not just in public, but every time.

The people you mentioned are the nuts and bolts of the platform. The legend, THE LEGEND of the 25 against the horde is epic. If we were Vikings our great great grandchildren would sing of this thing.

I'm not interested in recognition, not even a teeny bit. I do what ever it is I do out of a deep belief that we here on Hive are onto something special. The fact that there are dickheads seeking the limelight will only grow as we grow. Sad truth. The point that is incumbent on me to remember is there are people, lots of people, that are just interested in doing the right thing. I'll just guarantee you that if this place succeeds it won't be the dickheads that drive it.

I'm really happy to say that I have at least some sort of personal connection to every single person that you mentioned, and I couldn't agree with you more that they DESERVE more recognition than they get. Doesn't stop or slow a single one of them....

Thank you.

I actually never joined SteemEngine but I do remember it well - especially their iconic banner.

Which brings me to PHC. Like the Engine the primary population is incredibly interested in doing the right thing. Not once in a while, not just in public, but every time.

You can say that again! We have the most incredible core in that space and that in itself motivates others.

The legend, THE LEGEND of the 25 against the horde is epic. If we were Vikings our great great grandchildren would sing of this thing.

hahaha!!! It was indeed awesome - BOTH times!

Glad this piece spoke to you @bigtom13. No doubt there are MANY more "oldies" floating about around here that will relate to this. !tip

All That Glitters Is Not Gold & All That Is Old Is Not Covered In Mold.@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @bigtom13! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

 5 years ago  

What makes me happy reading this is that I agree with everything you say, including all the people that you've mentioned. They all go above and beyond every day to make things better for everyone and ask nothing in return. Nice to see them recognised!

They most certainly do! I know there are many more, but this post would have been endless lol. and those are the ones I am closest to at any rate. Don't see any of them asking for funding lol !tip

All That Glitters Is Not Gold & All That Is Old Is Not Covered In Mold.@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @wwwiebe! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Great points. And i wish more people had this concept. Well said. And a great list of people you've shared. Amazing i follow almost everone you've mentioned.

Posted using Dapplr

And thats highly appreciated!

Thanks hon - appreciate you popping by.... seeing as you started this :P haha!


All That Glitters Is Not Gold & All That Is Old Is Not Covered In Mold.@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @sergiomendes! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Very well said - I think a lot feels like this - you are just so good putting it into words.

I have no doubt there are MANY that feel this way... so thank you too for the validation! xxx !tip

Waste Not - Want Not! - Life Is Too Short!@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.

🎁 Hi @alishi! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!

Thank you so much for this very lovely shout out!
And yes, there are so many of us, you included, that have lived and breathed Steem/Hive and have to contend with the "shiny" users being supported by the whales - well, mostly they support each other.
You always speak your mind and I highly appreciate it!

 5 years ago  

Thank you so much for this...!!! 💖
