
It's not good. Let's say that much. I'm usually at least 3-4 deep before weekly chat. Sometimes more. Those that attend have undoubtedly noticed. I know you have beat your alcohol addiction, and you have mad respect from me for it.

The truth is with the way I am,(you be you) I have no choice but for me to be me... I couldn't fake me if I tried!! lol. ...oh ya, and don't forget.. tomorrow... 8pm... chat time! Hopefully we'll see you there!

I can be both just depending on my mood. The thing with the chat, I'm usually bushed by 8 and almost ready for bed. That's low energy time for me most Wednesday nights. I'll try to make it more often at least. I did enjoy the one I attended. 😁👍

Chat is on tuesday not wednesday. lol! No wonder you don't usually make it. 🤣

And don't stress it.. only come when you're feelin' it. Honestly theres a lot of nights where I'm tired and I'm just not feeling like chatting. I try to do it anyways cause I'm supposed to be the leader 😜 which in itself is kinda a joke to me, but it usually takes other peoples energy coming to the chat to get me truly engaged.

Well, they say you can't be a true leader unless you follow others. Perhaps you're better than you know or give yourself credit for. Tuesday, Wednesday, what's the difference? Einstein said that time.... Ah nevermind.

I get the notifications! 🤣🤣

Thank you dude! I truly appreciate it. And maybe I'll talk to you tomorrow night... 😜