Daily sanskrit shlokas Day 01

Hello everyone
My name is sneha
Iam an indian
Iam studying sanskrit from past 5 years sanskrit is one of India's greatesf treasure. From today i will be sharing informative shlokas daily with you guys

न चोरहार्य न राजहार्य न भ्रतृभाज्यं न च भारकारि !
व्यये कृते वर्धति एव नित्यं विद्याधनं सर्वधनप्रधानम् !!

Na chor haarym na cha raajya haaryam na bhraatrubhaajyam na cha bhaarakaari.
Vyaye krute vardhati eva nityam vidyaa dhanam sarva dhanapradhaanam

Na = not .
Chorahaaryam = chor +haaryam. Chor= a thief. Haryam = capable of being stolen or taken away.. Raajyahaaryam = capable of being confiscated by the Government.
Bhraatrybhaajyaam = bhraatru + bhaajyam. Bhraatru = brothers.
Bhaajyam = divisible as an inheritance. Bhaarakaari = as a burden (like a heavy load on one's back or head)
Vyaya = spending.
Krute = doing.
Vardhat = increases.
Eva = surely.
Nityam = every day.
Vidyaa = learning, knowledge.
Dhanam = wealth, riches, money.
Sarva = all..
Pradhaanam = foremost, most important

English meaning --
Unlike other forms of wealth, scholarship and learning can neither be stolen by a thief nor can the Government confiscate it, It is also not divisible among brothers as a share in ancestral wealth. On the other hand the more you spend it (shared with others) the more it increases day by day. No doubt, wealth in the form of knowledge, scholarship and learning is the foremost among all forms of wealth.

I will daily post a shloka to brighten your day
Thank you for reading!!