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RE: Wish-list places I want to go: #2

In all your travels, have you had any weird experience you'd never want to have again?

Hmm, this is a good question. To be honest I haven't had any weird experiences as such. We've been very fortunate to have trouble-free travelling. There was one time I got arrested though I guess.

We were in Thailand and I was riding a motorbike. There the rider has to wear a helmet, not the passenger. They only gave me one helmet though so I gave it to Faith (my wife) to use and I rode around without one. Loads of people were doing it so I figured, all good.

It wasn't good though, it was bad.

I got pulled over by a cop with a machine gun and he was going to fine me. I decided that I'd offer him a bribe...That's didn't go down so well. The arrested me, took me to the station and gave me a bit of a lecture...Mostly in Thai, some in English. They ended up letting me go after I payed a fine, (about $30AUD) and that was that. I made my way to Faith, who stayed with the bike, and we went on our way.

The funny thing was that in the police station there were about 5 other Aussies, all of whom had done exactly the same thing! Lol.

Other than that I guess we've had really great experiences.


😂😂😂 nice share, thanks....
Why didnt they arrest the bike rider though....instead of the passenger....i might have freaked out being the one.