To have what to talk about, you need to do something.
Whether you think that you’re ready or not, it doesn’t matter. People wait forever to be ready and never get to do a thing in their lifetime.
Since time waits for no one, why are you waiting?
There are only a few basic things you need to know before you are ready to do something. You don’t have to wait till you have all the answers before you start. You can start with a step, or an idea, and see where it leads.
Start with a hypothesis.
a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
This is one thing I love about startups, which I believe should be applied to other aspects of life in general.
A startup or start-up is a company or project initiated by an entrepreneur to seek, effectively develop, and validate a scalable business model.
Startups very rarely have it all figured out on day one but they start anyway.
They, however, don’t just start without a plan. This plan is a hypothesis — a question or assumption they need to verify.
When you have a hypothesis, your learning radar is finely tuned and ready to pick all signals. You understand that you’re doing what you’re doing to test an assumption that you have.
This helps you pick up the lessons that present themselves along the way. Instead of seeing failure, you see setbacks and limitations and carry on trying to figure out your way around them.
Lessons abound in everything — even in the terrible things you do that no one knows anything about.
When you do anything you’re not proud of, instead of wallowing in regrets and self-pity, you should critically assess what happened.
Don’t beat yourself up too much about doing the right things all the time.
Try stuff. Break out of the box. Do something, with a reason.
I always say that life is an unending chain of figuring stuff out. Your job is to continue to figure stuff out.
“What will happen if this happens?”
Ask questions. Even if you’re going to accept what the world is telling you, question it first and be sure you know why it is what it is.
“I believe this will happen if that doesn’t happen.”
It’s okay to make assumptions — especially bold ones. What is not okay is believing your assumptions are the truth without testing them.
If your initial assumption looks like it isn’t working, figure out why and then figure out the alternatives.
Take notes.
You need to identify what’s an insight and what’s a lesson. You need to understand what actions cause certain reactions, and why things turn out the way they do.
Actions are not only what you choose to do but also what you choose not to do.
It’s only when you’re intentional about figuring stuff out that you can then go ahead to share.
Share Insights.
Whichever way you choose to share is completely up to you. There’s no wrong way to do it. You may choose to write or speak — figure out what works best for you.
Try something, learn from it, and you’ll have a thing or two to share with the world.
You can only truly share what you have experienced.