When I take 1 hour to fade away from electronic gadgets.

💪 My latest trial is using 1 hour to fade away from electronic gadgets before going to bed. 👍



Since I have been reading many research articles about how I can enhance my physical and endurance my mental. To have a clear mind and keep calm.

There are various factors for those who want to cope with their personal issues.
As I knew, meditation is number one. Yes I agree that meditation is a really default idea but for me it might not fully cope for what I want.



Until I had a chance to listen to the PODCAST saying about we should put all the electronics gadgets we used as far as we can before 1 hour to sleep.
Oh yes, that is very interesting trial. It means from what I have been binge such as a smartphone, notebook, laptop, even television, I must stop doing activities for 1 hour.


Well, it's very conflicted and get difficulties when I need to fade away from internet surfing, swiping on the screen, on the game and chit chatting with friends on social media .

The more I had thought “ I could not do this” the most “ I must force myself to do this”
This is because I desperately want to know the outcomes.

My first day TRIAL

I had set my bad time at 10 PM, so at 9 PM I closed my laptops, put my phone away from my bed area ( at the corner of my room )



At times if I had been questioned about feelings, I would say I felt weird, I felt something lost, I felt I had nothing to do compared to last time I was obsessed on my phone. I would say “ This is likely a longstanding symptom of drug addicted but at this moment I was in the process of stopping drug addiction “ As if I was in the sudden therapist and I was in rebellious ability.

How did these feelings happen to me ? I wonder.

So, let's talk about alternatives to do in the 1 hour left.

🙂First thing, I did pray for respect for the Buddha ( I am buddhism ).



Really simple for me as I always do this. This helps me not to think about being distracted. While I was praying, my eyes closed to relax for a moment.

🙂Second thing, just talk, talked and talk to myself


This is not sould crazy if you speak with yourself alone ( but make sure you are not in the public tho) This method is really worth talking.
I sat on my soften bed and I could speak whatever I wanted. All the narratives questions I made such as
How was my work productive today?
And what is the plan for work tomorrow ?
How is my productive goal to work in the next week ?

I did it back and forth until I felt why I could not stop talking to myself. I was really surprise that I have the guts to look through my own eyes

To add more efficient talking myself that the mirror is the best tool, the other day trial I talked to myself in front of the mirror, I could get a sense that the mirror can matter me of many things

For example, I could observe the matters I said to myself when I was in front of the mirror. Whether I was speaking in any words that enhance my self-esteem or anything I don’t like about myself. I could see my eyes expression, my eye-contact sincerity

And then the outcome is I could pass 1 hour without electronic gadgets completely.


In the morning I woke up, I dare say I really have a clear mind honestly. I felt really fresh brain. I got full of energy. The matter of this morning is when I woke up, I did not have the feeling to chase my phone. I did not need to surf for any other feeds on my social media. I gain really good outcomes.

I was considering back why in the morning I did not feel desired on the social media notification? I guessed this might be because I took time off for 1 hour with no distraction news feeds, my thought had not been urged by people’s narratives and I was not curious about other activities.

For me, it is worth it. Every matter that get me stressed is dependent on others activities on social media which I consume a lot. I can not change their behavior but I can adapt to myself instead.

Thank you so much for your kind reading my content
Your suggest comments are highly appreciated
