It is a tradition that we take our tree down on Epiphany Eve, which is tonight. So all of the decorations are down. It is hard to do, knowing that in another day, Orthodox Christians all over the world will be celebrating Christmas, using the Gregorian calendar.
Le sigh.
In New Orleans, Louisiana, in the USA, on Epiphany also being King's Day, the Christmas Tree is either taken down or the ornaments are replaced with Purple, Gold and Green ones and it's then called a 'Mardi Gras Tree'! People also like to eat 'King Cake' (a cinnamon pastry with sugar on the top and sometimes filled with cream cheese or jelly/jam). The King Cake will have a little baby plastic doll inside (which represents Jesus); whoever gets the piece with the baby has to supply the next King Cake! Some people have "King Cake Party" every Friday before Lent (the time before Easter).
Epiphany Eve (also known as Twelfth Night) marks the end of the traditional Christmas celebrations and is the time when you were meant to take Christmas decorations down - although some people leave them. See here
Proof of the big take down.
The beauty of Christmas and the magic of the holiday were found all wrapped up in my heart. It was filled with song, it was filled with joy. But, most of all it was filled with the peace of the season, then spread as far and wide as it would go.
Today is a #BeautifulSunday by @Ace108, where we share our day in the most possibly beautiful way that we can. I can use all the help I can get, taking all the lights off the house, and the ornaments off the tree. Let's finish up and then, we can call it a day, a definite #SublimeSunday in the making, by the Meister of my morning, @c0ff33a. I do love my @c0ff33 and he likes eclectic! A match made in heaven.
Did I forget to tell you that you have to scour the three levels and bring all these carved figures down. Just line them up here, then we can have a fire line down to the lower level. Are you having fun yet? Oh, you know you are.
To be fair, there is nothing sublime about taking your tree down, but, I got to have a last look at it until next year, so definitely sublime. Positively.
It is so easy to get swept up in the mystery of it all - the sights, the sounds, the smells, and that enchanting ambiance. Just a moment longer.
Okay! Take it away before I change my mind. I do know that it is only 354 days until Christmas 2020, unless of course, you are Orthodox Christian.
I know this should excite you just a little! This is the last tree to come down. Once this process starts, it isn't so terrible and you just want to get it done and cleaned, starting a new season.
You know Denise will be having her King Cake tomorrow! Some traditions are just meant to be kept!
And just like that, this show is over! I want to thank @ace108 and @c0ff33a for hosting these challenges and even though the day is done, I can guarantee that there is still a little sunshine left in my heart. Have a most fabulous night!
I dedicate this post to all of you. You bring joy to my soul and spread your love across the world. For this, I thank you. And just like that, these musings are done. Have a most fabulous day!
Thank you for visiting my post 💖 Because of you, I come back to post, again and again, I am encouraged by you, for the time you take to visit, comment or even upvote. For all of these reasons, I am eternally grateful. Don't ever forget what a wonderful world we live in, people. Some days, it is not as easy to see, how wonderful it really is. Kindness counts. Wherever you go, whatever you do.
For you, I give you this perfect symphony of words and voice. Follow the words or close your eyes and enjoy the feeling. 💖
I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me
'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight
Well I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know
She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fighting against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listening to our favorite song
I have faith in what I see
Now I know I have met an angel in person
And she looks perfect
I don't deserve this
You look perfect tonight
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Ok I get it, you are the rip the band-aid off kind of gal. Well the Old Guy is taking the easy way. You know my motto is Stress Less lol. So I will do it bit by bit, a little at a time. The tree is as green as the day we cut it, so no harm in letting it go a bit...
Funny how we both like that version. Good tastes I guess.
But I'm not sure if I would call me a pull off the band aid type of gal but I like to get it done. I know how you like to take your time doing things but I feel disorganized if I let it drag on forever. Maybe that's the type A in me, I just think it might be the mother in me. LOL
I am stressing Les, that's why I'm doing it in one day. That I don't have to stress about where it's going to go for two weeks. I found that if you do it all at once then you only have one mess to clean whereas if you do it little by little it stays a mess for a long time. But, to each his own and I am sure that we are both happy.
Another beautiful post I know it must be so hard for you to take the tree down
I think in Spain and Latin America they call it three kings day but its the same the official end of the holidays
in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, but no internet of cell phones, nor a !MARLIANS !shop the kids of today would think that was quite !DERANGED
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The taking down is so hard. It is hard to find the spot that held the ornaments so well from the year before. I need a new system. And hence my tree is still up while I sit and dread the putting away. 🤣😂
When I had this house built, I have the Builder put in a closet with shelves. It's not very deep closet so it doesn't waste much space, but the shelves old boxes of ornaments, Olympics hand carved pieces and Easter baskets the different holiday things. The Garland I hang on the hook in my utility room. I have ornament boxes for each individual and it's in a place, not any particular place but rather a place if fits. It makes it so much easier when you are putting everything away because everything her place and without that organization I think I would go nuts. As a matter of fact I have Don Knotts and that's why I have it. LOL I come and help you but I'm still getting over the trauma of taking down my own. LOL let's get crackin Missy. Epiphany Waits for No One.
Ah yes saying goodbye to all those decorations for another year" but as you show so well, everything can be approached in a beautiful and endearing way. That’s a great song by Ed Sheehan . Much love to you. 🤗
I think it's the only way I can approach it and not feel sad that all that warm and wonderful is going away again. Well, let's not say go away as much as it changes, but the change back is so slow and not deliberate that I don't even notice. Okay, I do notice, but it takes a while to set in.
I do love that song by Ed Sheeran, but the version that he does with Andre Bocelli is my hands-down favorite. Bocelli adds that extra something that makes a sweet song even better.
I'm sitting here today wondering where Winter has gone. It looks like it has taken a hiatus as we have not seen anything but warm weather here. But, I'm not complaining. Open winter will rear its head any day now. Hi Sally! I hope you're having a wonderful day. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello, leaving your words behind.
Buen dia,muy bonita y respetada su tradicion,aqui la navidad es hasta el dia de la candelaria,12 de febrero,tambien se quita todo lo de navidad y se guarda muy bien,hoy celebramos la llegada de los reyes magos que por tradicion traian presentes a los niños pero creo que hoy eso no se puede,aqui lo escenifican y pasean por algunas calles,saludos amiga
¡Buenos días! Ayer celebramos la Epifanía y hubo muchas puestas en escena afuera, principalmente porque todavía hace calor (bueno, hace 55 ° C que es cálido para el invierno) y así ha sido durante toda la temporada. ¡Qué hermosa época del año!
Oh my dear, I feel that making this beautiful post for us helped you a little to say goodbye and to next time to all these beauties and treasures you have collected among the years and the past Christmas...😉
And these carved figures...! oh my this is a wonderful whimsical troup and they are the witness of all the beautiful christmas celebrations that have taken place in your house...❤️
Christmas is indeed a magical time of year that I look forward to. So many good memories, good times and everything is a little bit clean, brighter and more meaningful. Thank you for stopping by and leaving the happiest pieces of conversation on my page.
I suppose they all need to come down some time. I've got my tree down, and some of the others, but the outside lights are still up, and might very well remain up until after it snows. My ceramic Dept 56 houses are still out, too. They're too nice to pack away so quickly.
Truth. Someday, some way. it all needs to come down but the outside lights always seem to last longer. I took ours down just because I didn't want to get caught up on the ladder in the snow. That would be a no thank you.
I have Department56! I actually won it in old town Alexandria at the Christmas Shop (I think it was Grandmas's Attic, there are two of them) It is a collectors (aren't they all?) Ronald McDonald -The house that love built. It was a raffle and they called me in February to tell me I won. That was the first time I was living in Washington, DC in 1997.
Yes, they really are pretty cool little houses, aren't they?
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, leaving your words behind!
There's definitely is a melancholy feeling that comes over oneself as Christmas decore is put away until the next year @dswigle
It's similar to how a mother feels as she folds and packs away her infant's outgrown clothing while in the back of her mind thinking of the day she will unpack the same clothes to be worn by her next born. 👶
You have some incredibly beautiful decorations, Denise! And remember that every day can be Christmas!🎄💫♥️
all is calm, all is bright.That is such a great analogy, Nina! @ninahaskin That is exactly what it feels like. I know it is going to be used again, but, you know,
Le sigh.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your always wonderful words. Every day certainly can be Christmas. I just have to remember to seize those moments. It's funny, but, I really do love my decorations, not even because they are pretty, although some are. It is those moments that they remind me of that is really a heartwarmer. Especially the handmade ones.
You make every day feel a little bit like Christmas, Denise!
Thank you kindly for the compliment and tip!
Due to both unforeseen circumstances and planned events, I haven't been active on Steemit and apologize for my delayed response.
Thank you so much! I really did have a peaceful weekend! It has been a long time coming! :) Thank you for taking the time to visit my post, leaving your words behind!
Hi. I'm like you, get it all done in one day. Last year we tossed our old tree and started over. It was less to do because I haven't gone all in to get more decorations. Maybe for 2020.
You had such a beautiful tree and soooooo many decorations. They are all beautiful.
Oh, thank you so much! That is the little tree! We have three and I love each and every one of them. It is because I live in Washington, DC and all of my family is in Connecticut and the Northeast, so they all come down! I decorate each floor with a tree to make it festive. I have had a live tree my entire life, but, my mom had finally gone to an artificial tree when she turned 75. :)
You should have gotten your ornaments and decorations when they went on clearance this year! I love a good bargain! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your always awesome comments!
I usually go out shopping during the after Xmas sales to get items on sale. But I wasn't feeling well this year, and the weather was a bit cool for me. I still have 2 weeks until 1/31 before they send all Xmas stuff back to the warehouse.
Me too. But the year-round stores don't have the deep discounts. Only at certain times. If you shop the stores that carry seasonal, then you can get really good deal, such as up to 90% off.
And you wouldn't believe the stores with the beautiful items can be found in high end grocery stores, pharmacies, and specialty stores. I've found the most exquisite wrapping paper down Isle 9 of the grocers, lol.
Yes, TJMaxx is the bomb! And when you're standing in the checkout line waiting to move up, they have all the items you forgot on each side of you. Can't resist throwing them in the basket. I add another $50 easily that way. Can't leave them, lol.
Yes, their wrapping paper and Xmas cards are the best, besides Tuesday Morning. And as I said before, I never met a Xmas card I didn't like! But I'm in therapy. It's called "2020 budget". lol
Everything stays up and lit till my birthday is over (day after tomorrow).
THEN, the lighting on the outside doesn't go on again till next year and some of the things inside will start being packed away, with the tree last.... which will be on "whim" day. That's right, whenever the whim finally hits me. LOL !
Lovely photos of your sparklies lined up and ready to be packed away. Bye-bye my pretties... see you next year.
I also like the lamp shade with the dangling crystals. You can send that to me now for my birthday.
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? I hope you call in hookey and have a great day! Oh, thank you! I love my sparklies! They are so much fun to put up and admire, all season long. I don't blame you withthe whim-ming. I want to leave the tree up sometimes just for a little longer, but, the two of them are real and the one is artificial, so they do have an expiration date. That and the city picks up the trees until a certain date.
No, I am not taking it to the landfill. Ugh. I do enough of that on the Shore. LOL
I have several of those lampshades with the beaded dangles. I fell in love with them and bought a matching set. But, then I put one on the lower level and the other on the main level... so much for matching. Pfft. I like eclectic anyway. :)
I always take my birthday off. It is an official holiday at my house. This year, since it falls on Thursday, I took Friday off too ! I mean, who wants to take Thursday off and then go back to work Friday?? oh NO !
It will be my last vacation hooray for a while though. I have not worked a 5 day week since last August ! That's right, but after this last long weekend, it will be back to the 5 day a week grind (booo hooo hooooooo) while I save up my time to do it all again next fall. :)
I will sleep a little longer than my work days, get up, make coffee and probably while away the morning. Then around noon I will go to my Mom's and spend the afternoon with her and my sisters. Close to 5, I will leave and come back into town where my younger brother is taking me out for birthday supper ! It's all planned. It's going to be fun.
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#oc #posh
Ok I get it, you are the rip the band-aid off kind of gal. Well the Old Guy is taking the easy way. You know my motto is Stress Less lol. So I will do it bit by bit, a little at a time. The tree is as green as the day we cut it, so no harm in letting it go a bit...
Funny how we both like that version. Good tastes I guess.
But I'm not sure if I would call me a pull off the band aid type of gal but I like to get it done. I know how you like to take your time doing things but I feel disorganized if I let it drag on forever. Maybe that's the type A in me, I just think it might be the mother in me. LOL
I am stressing Les, that's why I'm doing it in one day. That I don't have to stress about where it's going to go for two weeks. I found that if you do it all at once then you only have one mess to clean whereas if you do it little by little it stays a mess for a long time. But, to each his own and I am sure that we are both happy.
Happy Epiphany!!
Having An Epiphany@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @old-guy-photos! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Another beautiful post I know it must be so hard for you to take the tree down
I think in Spain and Latin America they call it three kings day but its the same the official end of the holidays
in days of old there was !COFFEEA and !BEER, but no internet of cell phones, nor a !MARLIANS !shop the kids of today would think that was quite !DERANGED
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Nice. I took down some of the lights today. The rest I’m leaving for my wife when she gets back from vacation, the decorations are more her thing. 😃
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Gorgeousness! Happy 12th night, Denise!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/3 - need recharge?)
Thank you!! You are the best! Happy 12th night, my friend! @traciyork
!tip .20
Having An Epiphany@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @traciyork! You have received 0.2 STEEM tip from @dswigle!I posted on the wrong comment! Forgiveness! Happy Epiphany almost! Happy King Day! Oh, let's sing "It's over"
Le sigh XO
Round 3 will start soon and full details will follow. Thanks for playing!Hi @dswigle, a free $trendotoken from the TULIP Mania Game!
5.10631088 TRDO3.40420725 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @busbecq, you successfuly trended the post shared by @dswigle! @dswigle will receive & @busbecq will get
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Thank you for the resteem @pixresteemer! Much appreciated!
Twelve Drummers Drumming And The Unwreathing Of Arlington@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!
Thank you @steemitboard!
Twelve Drummers Drumming And The Unwreathing Of Arlington@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @steemitboard! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!The taking down is so hard. It is hard to find the spot that held the ornaments so well from the year before. I need a new system. And hence my tree is still up while I sit and dread the putting away. 🤣😂
When I had this house built, I have the Builder put in a closet with shelves. It's not very deep closet so it doesn't waste much space, but the shelves old boxes of ornaments, Olympics hand carved pieces and Easter baskets the different holiday things. The Garland I hang on the hook in my utility room. I have ornament boxes for each individual and it's in a place, not any particular place but rather a place if fits. It makes it so much easier when you are putting everything away because everything her place and without that organization I think I would go nuts. As a matter of fact I have Don Knotts and that's why I have it. LOL I come and help you but I'm still getting over the trauma of taking down my own. LOL let's get crackin Missy. Epiphany Waits for No One.
I hope you have a wonderful week ahead!
Having An Epiphany@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @dfinney! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Ah yes saying goodbye to all those decorations for another year" but as you show so well, everything can be approached in a beautiful and endearing way. That’s a great song by Ed Sheehan . Much love to you. 🤗
I think it's the only way I can approach it and not feel sad that all that warm and wonderful is going away again. Well, let's not say go away as much as it changes, but the change back is so slow and not deliberate that I don't even notice. Okay, I do notice, but it takes a while to set in.
I do love that song by Ed Sheeran, but the version that he does with Andre Bocelli is my hands-down favorite. Bocelli adds that extra something that makes a sweet song even better.
I'm sitting here today wondering where Winter has gone. It looks like it has taken a hiatus as we have not seen anything but warm weather here. But, I'm not complaining. Open winter will rear its head any day now. Hi Sally! I hope you're having a wonderful day. Thank you for stopping by and saying hello, leaving your words behind.
Love to you , my friend!
Twelve Drummers Drumming And The Unwreathing Of Arlington@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @sallybeth23! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Buen dia,muy bonita y respetada su tradicion,aqui la navidad es hasta el dia de la candelaria,12 de febrero,tambien se quita todo lo de navidad y se guarda muy bien,hoy celebramos la llegada de los reyes magos que por tradicion traian presentes a los niños pero creo que hoy eso no se puede,aqui lo escenifican y pasean por algunas calles,saludos amiga
¡Buenos días! Ayer celebramos la Epifanía y hubo muchas puestas en escena afuera, principalmente porque todavía hace calor (bueno, hace 55 ° C que es cálido para el invierno) y así ha sido durante toda la temporada. ¡Qué hermosa época del año!
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @petrarodriguez! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Oh my dear, I feel that making this beautiful post for us helped you a little to say goodbye and to next time to all these beauties and treasures you have collected among the years and the past Christmas...😉
And these carved figures...! oh my this is a wonderful whimsical troup and they are the witness of all the beautiful christmas celebrations that have taken place in your house...❤️
Thank you my little Luigi! @luigi-the-gnome
Christmas is indeed a magical time of year that I look forward to. So many good memories, good times and everything is a little bit clean, brighter and more meaningful. Thank you for stopping by and leaving the happiest pieces of conversation on my page.
Much love to you. Bisous!
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @luigi-the-gnome! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!你好鸭,dswigle!
吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @annzhao 所长 迎着暴雨 开着宝马 给您送来
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Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Thank you @tattoodjay for the beer!
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Hey @dswigle, here is a little bit of from @definethedollar for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.
Thanks @definethedollar for the beer!
I suppose they all need to come down some time. I've got my tree down, and some of the others, but the outside lights are still up, and might very well remain up until after it snows. My ceramic Dept 56 houses are still out, too. They're too nice to pack away so quickly.
Truth. Someday, some way. it all needs to come down but the outside lights always seem to last longer. I took ours down just because I didn't want to get caught up on the ladder in the snow. That would be a no thank you.
I have Department56! I actually won it in old town Alexandria at the Christmas Shop (I think it was Grandmas's Attic, there are two of them) It is a collectors (aren't they all?) Ronald McDonald -The house that love built. It was a raffle and they called me in February to tell me I won. That was the first time I was living in Washington, DC in 1997.
Yes, they really are pretty cool little houses, aren't they?
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello, leaving your words behind!
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @wwwiebe! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Thanks for the deranged tokens
There's definitely is a melancholy feeling that comes over oneself as Christmas decore is put away until the next year @dswigle
It's similar to how a mother feels as she folds and packs away her infant's outgrown clothing while in the back of her mind thinking of the day she will unpack the same clothes to be worn by her next born. 👶
You have some incredibly beautiful decorations, Denise! And remember that every day can be Christmas!🎄💫♥️
all is calm, all is bright.That is such a great analogy, Nina! @ninahaskin That is exactly what it feels like. I know it is going to be used again, but, you know,
Le sigh.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your always wonderful words. Every day certainly can be Christmas. I just have to remember to seize those moments. It's funny, but, I really do love my decorations, not even because they are pretty, although some are. It is those moments that they remind me of that is really a heartwarmer. Especially the handmade ones.
Have a great Tuesday, Nina!
You make every day feel a little bit like Christmas, Denise!
Thank you kindly for the compliment and tip!
Due to both unforeseen circumstances and planned events, I haven't been active on Steemit and apologize for my delayed response.
Have a terrific Monday night! @dswigle ♥️
Oh, Nina!!! No worries! We have all been really short on time and I haven't even finished #MarketFriday responses!
So, I am all good with it!
Have a great night, lovely lady!
Thank you for the encouragement & tip! @dswigle 💕
Glad to hear I'm not alone in lagging behind the finish line 🏁
"Not finished with MarketFriday?"
For a fleeting moment I considered posting mine, then thought better!😀
Haha! You wouldn't be alone!! Lol
Hopefully I can get my Marketfriday post up for this week in the next 18 hours! @dswigle
Happy Friday, Denise!♥️
Check out @dswigle blog here and follow if you like the content :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @ninahaskin! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @ninahaskin! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Those are some beautiful decorations. I hope you enjoyed your weekend a lot.
Thank you so much! I really did have a peaceful weekend! It has been a long time coming! :) Thank you for taking the time to visit my post, leaving your words behind!
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @rem-steem! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Thank you @theycallmedan for the supremely generous upvote!!
Thank you so much @ocbd for the awesome upvote!
Hi. I'm like you, get it all done in one day. Last year we tossed our old tree and started over. It was less to do because I haven't gone all in to get more decorations. Maybe for 2020.
You had such a beautiful tree and soooooo many decorations. They are all beautiful.
Have a great day.
Oh, thank you so much! That is the little tree! We have three and I love each and every one of them. It is because I live in Washington, DC and all of my family is in Connecticut and the Northeast, so they all come down! I decorate each floor with a tree to make it festive. I have had a live tree my entire life, but, my mom had finally gone to an artificial tree when she turned 75. :)
You should have gotten your ornaments and decorations when they went on clearance this year! I love a good bargain! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your always awesome comments!
I usually go out shopping during the after Xmas sales to get items on sale. But I wasn't feeling well this year, and the weather was a bit cool for me. I still have 2 weeks until 1/31 before they send all Xmas stuff back to the warehouse.
Do they really? I like those Christmas stores that have Christmas all year long! LOL
Me too. But the year-round stores don't have the deep discounts. Only at certain times. If you shop the stores that carry seasonal, then you can get really good deal, such as up to 90% off.
And you wouldn't believe the stores with the beautiful items can be found in high end grocery stores, pharmacies, and specialty stores. I've found the most exquisite wrapping paper down Isle 9 of the grocers, lol.
I know!!!! Seriously! I find the best stuff that way. I only go to the special stores when I am looking for something different!
I found the best paper at TJ Maxx this year! Last year too!
Yes, TJMaxx is the bomb! And when you're standing in the checkout line waiting to move up, they have all the items you forgot on each side of you. Can't resist throwing them in the basket. I add another $50 easily that way. Can't leave them, lol.
Yes, their wrapping paper and Xmas cards are the best, besides Tuesday Morning. And as I said before, I never met a Xmas card I didn't like! But I'm in therapy. It's called "2020 budget". lol
Thanks so much for the tip. I'm gonna try to decorate mine as beautiful as yours this year. I have all year to prepare.
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @justclickindiva! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!awesome tip. thanks for the notification.
Thank you @c0ff33a~!! I am so lucky to get my coffeea~ :)
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @coffeea.token! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Didn't you know the tradition was changed ??
Everything stays up and lit till my birthday is over (day after tomorrow).
THEN, the lighting on the outside doesn't go on again till next year and some of the things inside will start being packed away, with the tree last.... which will be on "whim" day. That's right, whenever the whim finally hits me. LOL !
Lovely photos of your sparklies lined up and ready to be packed away. Bye-bye my pretties... see you next year.
I also like the lamp shade with the dangling crystals. You can send that to me now for my birthday.
Hahaha! Ohhhhhh! You have a birthday coming up!!
Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do? I hope you call in hookey and have a great day! Oh, thank you! I love my sparklies! They are so much fun to put up and admire, all season long. I don't blame you withthe whim-ming. I want to leave the tree up sometimes just for a little longer, but, the two of them are real and the one is artificial, so they do have an expiration date. That and the city picks up the trees until a certain date.
No, I am not taking it to the landfill. Ugh. I do enough of that on the Shore. LOL
I have several of those lampshades with the beaded dangles. I fell in love with them and bought a matching set. But, then I put one on the lower level and the other on the main level... so much for matching. Pfft. I like eclectic anyway. :)
How do you know I didn't? :P LOL
Have a great night!
I always take my birthday off. It is an official holiday at my house. This year, since it falls on Thursday, I took Friday off too ! I mean, who wants to take Thursday off and then go back to work Friday?? oh NO !
It will be my last vacation hooray for a while though. I have not worked a 5 day week since last August ! That's right, but after this last long weekend, it will be back to the 5 day a week grind (booo hooo hooooooo) while I save up my time to do it all again next fall. :)
I will sleep a little longer than my work days, get up, make coffee and probably while away the morning. Then around noon I will go to my Mom's and spend the afternoon with her and my sisters. Close to 5, I will leave and come back into town where my younger brother is taking me out for birthday supper ! It's all planned. It's going to be fun.
Monochrome Discovers Musing Monday@dswigle wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)
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🎁 Hi @jacey.boldart! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dswigle!Thank you !
Hehe! Well, you know it was my pleasure!
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