Dry bags have a lot of use in many different situation, never though of putting a rice mix in it:)
i have different question, as you spent last 1.5 years out in the wild etc, i guess you still have some base that you store some stuff and come back to it? i saw those dogs on your videos number of times....etc
So im guessing you are still one leg in the system etc i mean getting your online delivery somewhere etc.....
Im trying to figure out if its possible to but 100% independent.....
If this question is going to break your privacy i will totally understand if you wouldnt like to answer.
Cheers anyway
In Lak'ech!
I talk about this stuff in older videos
Any idea about the timeline? you have a lot of videos uploaded:)
It's spread out throughout, though since you're asking about my recent life it'll be in more recent videos.