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RE: Newly Researched Benefits of INTERMITTENT FASTING

Thanks for this - sorry I found it a month late! Fasting is the ONLY weight-loss method that works for me. I stop eating around 8 p.m. and try to make it to noon the next day but 14 to 15 hours later (10 or 11 a.m.) I usually break down. Still. I lost 15 pounds in 4 months (with 10 to go). Instead of losing the next 10, I keep regaining/losing/regaining 3 of those 15 pounds I'd lost. THIS WORKS - not just for weight loss, but reducing inflammation (my headaches have lessened quite a bit). This isn't even a diet - just a matter of giving up breakfast (or dinner). It's doable! I've done it! Thanks again @ blue eyes!

 5 years ago  

@carolkean - I'm so glad you've had success with this! It's really helping my blood sugar control as well. And being faithful with no late night snacking (which was a real problem for me!) has helped with the weight loss as well. Keep up the good work girlfriend!

The late night munchies - or glass of red wine - is my own weakness. Now, making sure I take in zero calories before 11 a.m. or noon is an even greater challenge. But I don't want those 15 pounds back, and I'd love to lose ten more. Drink lots of water, husband says... some say even black coffee is taboo, but I draw the line at that. Must have the morning coffee!!!