It was Friday the 13th today and i will remember it as the day we decided to go and homeschool our kids as a result of the covid 19 Corona virus. The view of my normally packed supermarket, was weird. Was a war about to begin, are people going mad? I watched the news all day on a small second screen and just seeing the virus actually affecting our everyday live, and having so many economic effects i definetely got a bit scared. The effects are so huge, and will be here for weeks, probably months. Off course I always watch the news but today Well toninght actually we, my husband and i decided on measures for our small family. The little ones won’t go to grandparents and i decided that there will be no sleepovers and friends coming over to play. I have to still go and tell them but i think for now its the best thing to do.
Why did i do it whilst I am not in the "target" group, here in the Netherlands the people that died were 80+ and they say that the group vonurable people are those already in bad health and of age , they will Likely be hit by the virus. But who says that we will not all get it, but will not all be ill but can give it to others.
We don't get tested here, the test are either not available or to expensive. I have so many questions, but that is also because everybody is talking about it, everywhere. Socials, tv, newspaper and television. Our sports all have been cancelled, thank god for the gym stuff we accumulated in the past years, they can be cleaned from dust and be used now we are home bound.
The groceries can be delivered, well the stores are getting emp
tied right after they open so that’s probably the best option for now anyway. We live in rural parts and we have the possibility to walk the dogs without getting in touch with people and my curation on steemit can be of the old days again, so lets all please stay positive. I have bought a few things in advance cause i do get swept away when i was at the store.
I am going to home~school the boys for 3 hours a day and we will make a place where we can sit with the three of us. I arranged books and tests from a teacher friend from my hockey team, and today we will copy them at the office and hopefully there will be online teaching from their school asap. But also Dutch schools aren't prepared for this so the keys, and work wasn’t available yet. So for the time being this will be it. Work~homeschool~mum~wife life. I have to stay positive with a little anxiety lurking around the corner I admit!
I made some pictures in the supermarket, its war view!
The groceries were the essentials for me, not more needed for a week. Except for the toilet paper they were 2 buy pay 1 deal so....
This was my 5 minute freewrite, sorry if its not consistent. Or it reads a bit all over the place. IT MY HEAD at this stage.
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Don't be scared, you are just seeing the action of panicked people who don't actually know what's happening. The reason is this: They have made this as big as Ebola! Which is not even close! But if you are not educated that's what you are going to do, and that's following the panicking cycle like a sheep.
Yes indeed, the panic mode and sheep behaviour. Well apart from the fact i have to be prepared to be a teacher i wil try to stay educated and not completely freak out
Wow the panic buying is real, I wonder if your stores will be able to restock fast enough, this is going to drive prices through the roof if people keep this up. The Euro is going to take a major knock
This only happened in big cities. In the little towns, nobody panicked. Nobody exhausted the stocks.
The issue is if they keep doing that the small towns will suffer as suppliers would prefer to pump the cities and continue to get higher prices and price smaller towns out of supply because of the buying power
Well i live in the little part and those are the photos from the stores 500 meter down the road Seroiusly @trincowski
What? How many people live in your town?
@chekohler, GOODMORNING well this was all a surprise i never thought in the netherlands all would be this crazy. The prices are the same but people think its christmas said the supermarket store owner he made alot of money buy the supplies will be there in 8 hours they have so much stock its crazy to think you arent allowed to go out anymore. But here we see the images about itlay with the total lock down i thionk that set panic mode off
Oh wow, 8 hours isn't bad turn around, i'm impressed, if that happened here it would be days before restock. but sure, stores want to sort of avoid that sort of thing, so that's why they'll be encouraged to put up prices to slow the shelves being emptied out.
I've been reading France is also getting bad now and both France and Italy are key agricultural producers for the region, so surely some products also won't be available. I mean no parmesan cheese 😭 😭 😭 😭
And in two weeks when everything is restocked and people still have an abundance of food in their home and are no longer shopping, the sales will be inevitable (I hope)
That's one way to look at it, I think there will be sales for sure as businesses become desperate to cover costs, in things that we don't need like more luxury goods and definitely in asset prices
I started filling my pantry about 2 weeks ago, and EVERYTHING has been on sale since then.
I don't know if the stores will be hurting too badly as government bailouts are coming for a lot of the people. The US already commited to a bunch of $$$.
One thing can be said about Trump, he does not want the US feeling poor while he is in office. He won't let this get too economically bad, he will fix it, even if it is a bubble fix or a band aid fix.
Just to be clear, I am still not a supporter. That fucker keeps kids in cages.
But we must remember these things aren't felt immediately supply chains have stock in transit, if this keeps up it will dry up so maybe you're not buying the dip but you still getting the things you need come crazy times
Well the US already printed 1.5 trillion to dump into the repo market, I doubt he'll stop printing anytime soon, this looks like buzz light year economics, print to infinity and beyond, its for sure a band aid and as Russia and the Saudis obliterate the US energy market with these price cuts its only going to put more pressure on the dollar as it could lose reserve status
I'm no fan of him either, all I've seen him do so far was enrich himself buy putting sock puppets at major banks and then getting them to grant low-interest loans to projects he has interests in
Maybe this mess will bring production of goods back to the US...
The panic buying won't last. There is only so much you can have before you say "enough." I think by mid- next week, we will be seeing songs from a different tune. By then, we will be more worried about "slow" internet as more of us stay home and put pressure on those networks.
Not looking forward to my upcoming electricity bill either... maybe I will ban daytime tv use and force the kids to use candles (j/k)
The US is in a downward spiral for sure, but it will be a while before we truly feel it, and by then I will be a rightful millionaire in the crypto sphere so all is good... And Trump wants that re-election, he has to keep fooling the people for a little while longer. Hopefully long enough for me to refinance this condo into a smaller payment. Than the housing market can crash and I can get into a home instead... this condo is destined to have my parents live it it. I just know it.
I hope so, you cannot have a country run on 70% consumer spending, I hope it wakes people up from the slumber they've been in if anything the government should be staring an SME fund to get the mom and pop shops back and stop dumping money into wall street so they can keep funding places like amazon and uber and cannibalising the markets.
Lol we'll you could go our way and do load shedding, our electricity gets shut off 3 times a day for 2 hours and we still need to get all our stuff done.
I also think his going to do anything he can to get re-election, his already starting a trade war with Europe now, the travel ban was just the first shot. Going to be an interesting time, I think the US sort of needs it, it's been coasting along for so long thinking money printing can solve everything.
I'm keen to see how crypto does in all of this, will keep buying and increasing my positions as I can.
Not even two weeks they have so much supply that the racks will be filled in 8 hours and the day after the same
Well then no need to be fearful. It is just extra selling like after the holidays.
Here, they keep re-stocking and selling out by mid morning.
Still, I think it can't last THAT long. How much of this stuff can people store in their homes anyway? And, once it's stored, how much of it can they consume?
1-2 weeks TOPS.
No way that's gonna happen over here in South Africa my dear.
Shelves are full in the supermarkets and everybody going about life as normal.
It really takes a physical catastrophe to get the Saffers going.
All of the best to you and the family.
I must say we never had a situation this bad, but the supermarkets will be full within 8 hours but people just dont believe it. Homeschooling isnt in the preparation either its the fact that i have the possibility to stay home and work from y there but we have to make a new day agenda to do all that needs to be done. Its exciting to get it Done yet also very nervracking.
Thanks for stopping by, and i am glad to hear in SA all is ok,
Blog soon
The Covid virus has also arrived here my friend, but the people don't panic.
Maybe having to stay at home and work from there is showing you a new way of life Lol.
Take care and keep everyone safe.
The panic buying hadn't hit our part of France when we last went to a supermarket. But that was Wednesday and Macron's speach to the Nation was Thursday. With kids of school I guess it will do now. Part of me wants to laugh because it is stupid. Part of me wants to shake people (I can not do that because we are advised not to make physical contact!). I hope that people will think more kindly on the people from other countries (some of which we have helped destroy through war). I think most people up to now have thought that we in the West are safe. That we are in stable countries with stable economies. This virus has shown how vulnerable we all are. Not to the virus itself but to things out of our control changing the way we live and altering our lives.
I have had to shake myself a few times (self shaking is still ok).
I actually had to STOP myself from buying diapers. I am seven months pregnant, saw the nearly empty shelves and thought NOW is the time. It isn't. I left the diapers for the babies who actually poop right now.
I usually only buy a few pieces of clothing for each of my upcoming babies, as you never know what size they are gonna be or how long they will fit into that stuff you buy for them. Also, my kids get bigger and bigger with each pregnancy, and if the pattern stays, this will be a 10 pounder LOL. I really hope not.
Same in the US. People are just stocking up. They aren't actually eating more so I imagine stores will restock fine and it will go back to normal soon. What will last months is online schooling and work from home type stuff. No concerts, parties, travel and such.
The problems of living in a big city...
My suggestion? Pick up your car and drive to a little town on the outskirts of the city. You'll find that all the mini-markets have the shelves full, because people in small towns didn't panic and are less selfish than big city folks.
I live in a town with less than 2000 people and only 2 mini-markets and both of them are fully stocked, while big supermarkets in the cities have their shelves empty. 🤦♂️
I live at the San Diego/Tijuana border in California/Mexico and it is CHAOS at the stores here.
No toilet paper, bottled water, canned food, alcohol. It is NUTS.
And the schools are closed...
Glad to hear your perspective cause I am seeing posts like this from people all over the world and it is a little disconcerting.
I am seven months pregnant and almost bought diapers today, just cause I saw that the stores of them were so low. I got a grip of myself and decided to leave them for the babies that are actually gonna use them soon.
Hi dear mam @metzli Well thats the thing you think will i or shall i , noo i will leave it for the ones that need it but its so frigthening that they know so little about the virus that the period of not knowing will be long.
The pregnancy is a huge thing to consider i dont know if they health department is taking extra care? Its a strange time, and i love my live on earth but hope for normal times soon , have a great weekend
I was under the (false, according to the CDC) impression that since I was pregnant my immune system was stronger and I had less of a chance of getting affected by the virus.
Turns out I was wrong. BUT if for some reason I do catch it, my breastmilk will have antibodies. Maybe I will sell it LOL. Surely I will feed it to my parents and grandparents. HAHAHAHAA. I make lots and lots of milk.
Weekend is going great. Thanks for the well wishes.
Holland has one of the best transportation networks in the world. Of course this will be temporary. Albert Hein etc has to scale up to their people they are young so resilient if they haven't any disease. This is a cash cow for every grocerie right now so they could give those young people extra bonus. The stores who stay stocked are the winners.
As allways with this kind of feeling I was right. I didn't listen to that feeling that time but I do now..
Because it was do .... The last months I neglected my aquaponics system but I'm starting again. If I just did the basic stuff I wouldn't have to go to the stores for food because I have everything I need.
Oh boy! The photos!!!! Scary...
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Yes i never hope to see this ever again
Yes, the switch by the government from nonchalent nothing is happening, to realisation that this is something that needs to be dealt with in a Public Health context panicked people I think. Schools should be shut...
The point isn't the individual risk unless you are in the at risk groups, it is the wave of badly affected that will overwhelm the health system (hence, flatten the curve). People comparing absolute numbers to flu or other diseases aren't really understanding the problem... It is one of statistics and managing the spread and weight of ill effects, not just the number of badly effected. By managing this, you are better able to treat the badly affected. However, this requires that we look beyond our own individual problems and work together, as our little actions contribute to a wider range of unseen effects.
We are also taking precautions to not add to the social burden. Even at our own financial cost. However, we made sure to slowly stock up starting a few weeks ago... And have friends and family that work in this field, and they were advising that this might get out of hand. Again, individual risk is low... However, the large scale effects (the sum of many little things) will be relatively large.
Are the school from the girls still open ? Here we have one case in another village on a school in the stichting where my boys go to school so we know they will have to make a decision to close shop, but its a weird time. I saw all the music theaters, concerts etc. Being cancelled so you are home aswell i think? Thats a financial thing aswell, everybody suffers, we will have to see what Rutte will say next.
Stay safe john
I feel your fear mama.
Here in Southern California, things are much the same. The homeschooling too since they closed our schools.
Lines of people just to get into the stores. Long lines to pay.
It is NUTS.
Luckily, I felt that this was coming and decided to do my shopping last week. SO GLAD I did. Things were already running low.
I have plenty of fresh food that should last a week, and if stores are not restocked by then, I will move to my frozen food which I usually don't keep a lot of and if the food is still not stocked by the time we eat THAT then it will be time for the canned food which I really really never buy, but did, cause my mom warned me that this was coming.
I will still be visiting my parents but only cause me and the kids are home only and my parents are the ones still out and about. If anything, we will be catching something from them.
Keep your head up, more time for blogging :)
Thats the only good thing more time for blogging and curate
YES! I am getting lots of writing (and housework) done.
I have a almost empty hamper, and my floors and door knobs are disinfected. Our bathrooms are clean, our counters are emptied to easily wipe down with (homemade) disinfectant.
It is actually kind of nice...
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@priyanarc, thank you sweet , how is it in Ukraine, the weather is fine i saw in your instatories but how is the virus madness over there or are the ukrainers keeping their heads cool?
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Empty shelves in the supermarket?!? Is there also panic buying in your place?
Our capital city, Manila, is in lockdown because of the virus. As far as I can remember, we haven't encountered such a drastic measure before. But because of this Covid-19, our government have imposed a ban to and fro the capital city. 😢
It is quite scary. I feel the same way as you do.
I do agree that we need to be concerned about a new virus, and one that seems to be spreading as easily as this one is, but I also think that we, as a society, are over reacting. Over the last 6 months, for instance, there were anywhere between 22,000 - 55,000 deaths in the US alone due to the flu ( So, yes, we should be concerned and take precautions, but we should not be panicking.
Hi @brittandjosie. Yes, the panic buying is real. Same here in the U.S., even in my state. What else can we do buy ride the tide of this virus and try to stay as healthy as we can for ourselves. For me, with my Diabetes, I already have a few underlying illnesses, so I especially have to watch myself. I have chronic sinus problems, so I wouldn't think anything of it if I felt symptoms of a cold or the flu. It's an everyday occurrence for me.
I'm glad you were able to secure some items for your family. Take care.
That is really frightening, @brittandjosie. I think the fallout of the Corona virus is still in its early stages, so it will be a rocky ride. Take care of those kiddos of yours. You're doing the right things! By keeping them safe at home you can be assured that you will all stay healthy.
I think the food supply shortages will be short-lived. It's just a short-term panic. When people realize that the stores will be stocked again, and that even with the spread of the pandemic, mostly it will be very vulnerable people who can't survive the disease, all will calm down. That is my hope!
Best wishes to you.
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