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RE: Comment Commitment: Scramble Edition

I haven't watched any, but have done some reading. It's NOT a legislative hearing. It's in a Hotel ballroom a couple of miles from the capitol. It's officially listed as a gathering (no authority what so ever). The woman leading that pack is just a freaking nut job. Seriously. She has 0 traction outside her district and nobody in AZ takes her even remotely seriously. Maybe that commission should look into voter fraud that gets that crazy bitch elected. Just sayin'

I'm not buying their bullshit. Arizona has had a huge % of mail voting for years and their security has had enough checks that I trust it. Nothing changed except that the Dems won. And anybody that couldn't see that coming wasn't looking.

It is weird to me to see Arizona listed in blue, I have to admit.


I didn't say it was a legislative hearing, I said legislator meeting and if was officially listed as a gathering I stand corrected. The local people from Maricopa County who worked as poll watchers for the elections had some various serious accusations as to how the counting process took place. The machines that verified signatures started at the recommended settings for sensitivity and were steadily turned down to the point of being turned off because so many signatures didn't match the signature on record in the computer.
If you get a chance you might want to actually see some of that gathering, all the people have sworn signed under penalty of perjury to what they said. I know you're not buying their bullshit like you said, but you might be interested to know that several witnesses said the mail in vote as been manipulated for several years in AZ. Both republicans and dems doing it, just depending on the county and the administration.

Here's my problem. No questions from anybody but the 6 handpicked legislators. No questions from reporters, no questions from other legislators, no filed statements. Under their protocol McSally should have won too. In fact, McSally should have won both elections she lost.

I did find some irregularity. About 2% of voters voted for Kelly and not Biden. So they voted against Trump's girl and for Trump? What? How does that square up against the idea that one side loaded the dice in the presidential race?

Not a single race in the state went anything but chalk, as polled before the election unless you count McSally's showing. The polls all had her losing by 6 to 10% and she only lost by 3. If you remove 2% of the Trump votes you remove 2% of all the votes on that ballot and not a single race shows that. Not a one.

I'm no mathematician but anytime votes are counted with decimal values anything and everything is possible. More than one expert witness showed mathematical evidence that a vote for Biden was weighted to 1.30 and a vote for tRump was calculated at 0.70 in value. This weighted voted value is a "feature" listed in the Dominion printed literature about the Dominion voting systems. It can be assigned to individual races not the whole ballot.

I have said it before and I'll say it again, one vote should count as 1 and not 1.00 , that way it can't be converted and corrupted.

I can say with some confidence that the problems with these Dominion systems have been known for some time that is why the State of Texas would't certify Dominion systems for use in our state. I would also say with some confidence that some republicans have used this to fix elections in the past as well, just not to the extent that seems to have happened this year. The machines used in Texas aren't exempt from being manipulated either, all computer based systems are vulnerable, but the Texas machines don't advertise it.

An investigation needs to take place in all 50 states before the next elections in 2022 for the midterms. I know that the Hart Inter Civic voting machines have been implicated before as well in Kentucky back in 2019. I don't know if they advertise the weighted vote feature but any computer run system could have the algorithm written to do it.

It really sucks that as a country we have elected officials that will allow computer voting, knowing damn well it can be manipulated.

There are plenty of people who would volunteer to tabulate the vote. Put a person from each party at the table, and one independent, and let those people examine each signature, ballot and record the vote. Sure it would take more time but it seems to be the only way to get an honest election.
Just my thoughts,