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RE: Wish-list places I want to go: #2

Geeze, I don't think I ever responded to your first 'wish list' post so I'm gonna give a 'two-fer' here. Value for service rendered, that's my motto.

I've a good friend that is pestering me to go to Hawaii. She mostly lives in San Diego, I manage to do a hike or two with her a year. I'd love to go see. Not so much the lava for me (though that would be seriously impressive) but the fauna and flora that is absolutely unique to the place.

I'd like to see the fjords for myself, too. But I think if Viking plunder and pillage is the category I believe I'd choose Iceland first. Same northern exposure, but even more remote if that's possible. I've lived far enough north to get some really good looks at the Northern Lights, and I miss them where I live now. Truly beautiful.

Of course, in all truth, I'd pick Australia and New Zealand before either one of the above. I've been planning a ride around Australia for better than 50 years but I'm guessing that isn't going to happen. Doesn't mean I can't plan...


Yep, much more than volcanoes in Hawaii for sure and a lot of other stuff I would like to see...Just needed to make the post-length digestible.

A bike ride around Australia would be great. I have a mate from Sydney who has done it a time or two...I'd like to also, but I ove off-roading so it's 4x4's for me. New Zealand is also awesome...You probably never saw any of my posts from there last year.

Search the tag #aussies-newzealand. If you're keen.


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