Update On My Progress To Start Life On The Road!


I was driving home from the auto parts store the other day and this was the sunset. I have been struggling to get something up and going so I can get on the road and start traveling. If you do not know it has been a while I have been working towards this. I started with this van.


Spent some time and money working on it and pushing to get it ready. Come to find out it had a hole in the block behind the starter. Hired a person to change the starter and put in the crankshaft sensor, as it is behind the starter. He never said anything about it so I thought all was good. Come to find out it was and is not good. I have found someone else to help me when I need it now!


Then came the truck! It needed a fuel pump and the transmission replaced. The fuel pump in it started right up. I got the transmission and we got it put in. Fulled with transmission fluid and it goes forwards and backwards but there are still some issues with it. Moving forward it will just jump out of gear and back in again. We are working through them now, I needed a break, as I was getting really frustrated.

The pictures of the sunset kinda brought some thoughts to me as I struggle to get this done. Like we all are, I have a fixed amount of money available to get a vehicle and the parts I need each month. I cannot afford to go and spend $3000.00 on a running vehicle, so I look for ones that need work and with some help do the work to get them running. I have to sell one and hope to recover the money I had in it when things with a vehicle goes wrong. That has not worked out for me at all. Yes, like all of us it is a struggle. That is fine because if it was easy everyone would be doing things like this.


I will put it here at the end of the post again, because no matter what happens on my journey to get on the road, there will always be a light at the end of the road, and if it turns dark, a reminder to rest and regroup, it will come again to remind me to just keep on trying as life goes on and things will work out in the end. Do the setbacks discourage me? Yes, they do, it even gets me angry and upset, then it becomes depressing. To be honest, I have even thought of just giving up the dream I have. I will not give up and I will win. It might be when I am too old to travel but it will not beat me. I have always been able to move forward somehow and that will not change. As I say in all my posts "Always Forward!" I hope everyone has a good night/day, whatever it is in your part of the world!

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There will always be light at the end

Yes, there will be at the end.
Just kinda dark in the middle most times.

Life is often a struggle and once you get to do your traveling I am sure it will all be worth it.

I sure hope it will be all worth it.
It is hard to stay focused sometimes.

The sun will always rise again so just keep on trying, all your struggles will not be in vain if you keep pushing forward! We sometimes climb up two steps and then go down three steps, but the time will come when you'll be at the top, stick with your dreams!

Thanks! I will get there.
Will just take some patience and a little help from some friends.

I love your positivity, keep it up. You will start your journey soon

I am working on it every day.
Some days are not that easy!

That's how life is

Here you go, this was playing in the background as I read: DREAMS

I'm currently writing my #BloggingChallenge post for Day number six, and it's our five favorite songs. I clicked over to #PowerHouseCreatives and saw your post.

I like that song! I go through YouTube and try to find the older songs. Sometimes it makes my night. This one did! Thanks!

Beautiful and motivating reading. Never give up, especially when it comes to your dreams. Thank you for sharing your experience and thought and that beautiful and inspiring sunset. A big hug and success in your endeavor.

Motivation is hard to keep sometimes but it will get down.

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Stay creative & hive on!
 4 years ago  

I love your optimism about it all and the acceptance of the setbacks; they're something to overcome. It's a shame about that van, though. That would have been fun to roadtrip in. I'd love to spend a couple weeks to a couple months cruising about living the 'vanlife', so to speak.

Good luck!

I try to stay positive and it is really hard sometimes.
I have learned to accept the setbacks and just chalk them up as learning experiences.

May the road rise to meet you
May the wind be always at your back.

Irish Blessing

And may your vehicles come to life and roll on down the highways for miles!

I hope you're able to recover some cash from the van and get your transmission wishing properly. Love the pictures!

I will recover some from the van but not what I have in it.
I will still take about a $1000.00 dollar loss on it.
It sucks but I will have to chalk it up to a learning experience and not cry over spilled milk.

I like taking pictures and I am learning about photography as I go.

The Struggle is real! The important part is to keep moving forward.

In a boxing match it's not how many times you get knocked down, it's how many times you get up that means something.

I've been considering building an overlander. But like you, I need a value priced vehicle to start the project. I did find a '94 Nissan Pathfinder to look at while Hive was broken...

I am living proof the struggle is real. LOL!
If you are looking for a vehicle for an overlander, consider 2000 through 2002 Land Rover Discovery. My wife got one cheap it needs some work but the good thing is it is all Buick engine and transmission. Not saying parts are cheap as that is always subjective. Just a little tidbit for you to think about. LOL!

I'll keep that little tidbit stored in my brain cavity. My mom drove Buick so I'm at least reasonably familiar.

Most of the Rovers I have seen are brutally overpriced. Of course, asking prices aren't selling prices...

Check out the Facebook marketplace, if you are on FB.
That is the only reason I do FB really. I talk to some of my friends.
The truck I got was off of FB Marketplace and it was very reasonable.

Damn. Never thought of that, though my friends have bought cars there.

I have just about weaned myself off of FB. There are two friends that I stay for because it's the only way to contact them. They may or may not be a bit 'off the grid' :)

Thanks. I'll check it out.

Wow, sunsets are simple pieces of art from nature... incredible. And you took it very well.

Wow, sunsets are simple pieces of art from nature... incredible. And you took it very well.