New flowers for my orchids collection

in Orchid Loverslast year (edited)

Hi, my dear friends!

How many times have I told myself that I will only buy new flowers once a month and plan these expenses strictly! But the magic word SALE! always ruins my plans!

As a result, my collection of orchids grew unexpectedly again... But who could resist such tempting offers and such magical flowers? Oh no, not me!

I have another idea to buy Chinese ball lamps and hang them next to my orchids. I think it will be original and colorful. And even if someone decides that it won't be elegant enough, does it matter if it makes my mood better?

I think that all my passion for bright and colorful during the war is some kind of compensation mechanism. Probably my subconscious wants to create a small magical world where you can feel safe. Let it be. If it will help my psyche to stay intact, let there be orchids with Chinese round lamps.










The flowers of my orcide has become pale. I think I made mistake for watering it.

Maybe. It's not too easy to take care about orchids(

В мене зараз 4 цвіте. І цвітцуь тільки в одному місці, не там де я поставила полиці)). Думаю, що там де полиці їм темно. Зараз не поповнюю колекцію. Навпаки, пропало 10 орхідей. Це ще в часи ковіду. До орхвідей не було діла, і тоді коли ми були в евакуації, їм хватило місяця щоб починати пропадати. Тай ще в мене кожний день падають на підлогу орхідеї, тому що два кота полюбляють лізти не туди куди треба))

У мене теж багато загинуло під час окупації, не до квітів було. Але зараз прям одержимість - відновити

Wow! Indeed nobody can't resist these beauties. You orchid collections are awesome. That view of the window is the best view.

Thank you!

Lovely little cuties. Our homes would be so much more boring without them.

I also think so)

hello dear friend @torem-di-torem
what a beautiful collection of orchids, these are some plants that I want to have in my garden
I appreciate you introducing us to your beautiful plants.
have a beautiful day