Can you take a photo of those green nubs? The new roots look different than the flower spike.
Also flower spike usually grows under the second leaf (I am guess you have Phalaenopsis orchid) and never twice from the same spot. So it is good she is growing leaves.
I have lots of orchids from grocery store :) My two biggest ones are from there. They are awesome!
I didn't see what the two new green roots looked like before they were an inch or two long, so I had nothing to compare, but all the little nubs look similar. Also you can see the "stick" that was the base of the past bloom. It appears to be coming right out of the base of the root.
These are roots. But it's good that new ones are growing :)
New roots and new leaves every year are a must for it to bloom. If it does all that and still no flowers - put it in brighter spot, but not direct sunlight and give some fertilizer once a month. It should boost it.
What colour is it?
White'ish... with a hint of pale green.
I don't think I have a brighter spot in the house besides where it is now. It is brighter than the window it was in the first year I had it. That may be why all the roots. Just guessing.
Pretty :)
Let her grow then. She needs healthy roots and leaves to bloom.