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RE: Fishing to escape the noise of the world

in Outdoors5 years ago

I think there is the same "festival" held annually in Denmark too. I get you and you are right about those points but what I hate about this "festival" is that many locals view it as a kind of "cultural" and/or "fun" event. They go there with their kids to "enjoy" it, to watch the animals being slaughtered, to take photos with the bloodstained bodies... The "festival" is basically a celebration of killing animals and I think this is not a message future generations should get. Morevoer, dolphins (as well as most other cetaceans) are extremely intelligent and sensitive creatures capable of human-like emotions and it is just heartbraking for me to see anyone hurting them.

Btw, are you on Discord mate? I somehow messed up my Steem chat... I have some question for you.


I agree with you! But was not aware it happening in Denmark. Here's my discord: holm#6624

Cool, just sent you a friend request.