bolle38 cross-posted this post in My Hunting & Fishing 3 years ago

Pecanje na plovak - Float fishing

in BANAT3 years ago

Hajde malo da za pocetak krenemo sa razonodom odnosno hobijem

Probacu da vam na neki moj nacin, predstavim pecanje na plovak.
Obicno svi koji ulaze u ribolov upravo krecu od pecanja na plovak

Let's start with a pastime or hobby

I will try to introduce you to float fishing in my own way.
Usually everyone who goes fishing just starts from float fishing



Uz obalu uglavnom preovladava sitna riba, popularno nazvana kederi.
Sto je posebno interesantno deci, bacis malo prihrane ili kuvanog zita i das dedtetu pec pero da peca.

To je inace jedna od tehnika na plovak sistem, inace je vrlo interesantna jer sitna riba ili kederi dosta cesto trza pa se stalno zabacuje iznova.

Pored pec pera druga tehnika pecanja na plovak je bolonjeze tehnika, sto se i vidi na postavljenim slikama.

S tim sto ovo nisu original bolo stapovi vec moj rucni rad sto me cini jos srecnijim, kad upecam belu ribu ili sarana, jer su mojih ruku delo.

Along the coast, small fish, popularly called cedars, predominate.
What is especially interesting for children, throw away some food or cooked grain and give your child a pen to bake.

This is one of the techniques on the float system, otherwise it is very interesting because small fish or cedars often twitch, so they are constantly thrown again.

In addition to the feather oven, another float fishing technique is the bolognese technique, which can be seen in the posted pictures.

However, these are not original bolo sticks, but my handiwork, which makes me even happier when I catch white fish or carp, because they are the work of my hands.

Pozdrav od vašeg Boleta, pecaroša.

Greetings from your Bole, fisherman.