I just came across this acceptance speech by Snoop Dogg, which he gave a few years ago when he received a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame.
After thanking his mentors, his wife and other people that supported him on his journey, he also thanked himself. The crowd is laughing, but I think it's so motivational and inspiring and it's something that most of us don't do enough.
Are you proud of what you have achieved so far in your life?
Or are you beating yourself up for all the things you have not achieved yet?
It's all a matter of where you place your focus.
If you want to see Snoop Dogg's full speech, you can see it here:

This is truly inspiring ,I honestly don't thank myself enough...for staying up to get a job done, for showing up even when I don't feel like it ,for setting goals and achieving them. Most times I only bother about what I haven't acheived or couldn't achieve, where I haven't been yet. I haven't really stopped to look at how far I've come and the growth I've experienced in business,life in general even though my growth is slow but the fact is I've grown and still growing.
There's this saying "What you appreciate appreciates" so the more gratitude we show ourselves, the more we grow and the more successful we become :)
I agree 💯