MES Livestream 53: Summary of Evidence of What Did (and Didn't) Happen on 9/11

in MES 9/11 Truth9 days ago (edited)

Join me and CREW in this special 23rd 9/11 anniversary livestream as we do a summary of all the key evidence on 9/11, which point to the use of cold-DEW and holographic projection technology.

9/11 Avengers that may be joining:

  • Andrew Johnson aka Check The Evidence
  • Mark Conlon aka 9/11 Planes Research
  • Adam Eisenberg Pentagon whistleblower
  • Norman aka 9/11 Revisionist
  • William aka That's Live But Not As We Know It (TLBNAWKI)
  • Jon Fortenberry aka American Fathers
  • Keith aka Conspiracy Realist
  • Methylminer
  • K-J French 9/11 Guy
  • Jeanne Traduction

September 11, 2024 WEDNESDAY at 1 PM PST / 3 PM CST / 4 PM EST / 10 PM CAT / 21:00 GMT (UK)

MES Livestreams - Playlist

Stream Notes and Links

911 Summary.jpeg

  1. MES Links:
  3. Fund my trip to John and Nancy Hutchison's lab!
  4. September 14th 9/11 Revisionist Presentation on the PentaCon and Adam Eisenberg
  5. September 21th 9/11 Planes Research presentation about the Passengers.
  6. October 5th livestream with Amaterasu Solar on Electrogravitics. His father worked with THE Thomas Townsend Brown flying saucer scientist:
  7. October 19th livestream with Methylminer on Alternative Health Hacks.
  8. November 2nd Livestream with JOHN HUTCHISON again, this time exposing disinfo agent and psycho-liar Ace Baker.

Summary of 9/11 Evidence

Twin Towers

  • Dustification
    • Spire dustification
    • Dustification out of one side along entire height
  • Lack of corresponding rubble
  • Bathtub not damaged and Manhattan was not flooded
  • Seismic signal equivalent to Seattle Kingdom and Taylor Swift Concert
  • No loud booms
  • EMF interference
  • Stairwell B survivors
    • 9/11 surfer
  • No spillover to other buildings
    • Very little lateral ejection hitting nearby buildings
  • Paper everywhere.
  • Twisted steel, fusion of dissimilar material, 1 filing cabinet survived.
  • Norman
    • Discussing the south tower dustification, most don’t know it.
    • Our colab video on the north tower spire

Building 7

  • Gradual dustification
    • Dustification along one side
  • Quiet fall
  • Tiny seismic signal
  • Less rubble then expected.
    • No spillover to other buildings
  • Norman:
    • I have two short clips of 5 minutes,
    • A discussing Lucky Larry
    • B then the silent fall and seismic vs kingdome
    • CNN reporting on B7 going down at 4:15 PM, way before BBC did their pre-recording
    • Can show my article and discuss the 2011 HOAX video

Buildings 3, 4, 5, 6

  • Dustification
  • Holes
  • Careful takedown of Building 6 by cleanup crew.
  • Norman:
    • My main article explaining the 8 buildings damaged / killed on 9/11
    • We can show the articles I wrote on each one of the orphans


  • Dustification
    • Various colored fumes.
  • Inconsistent building damage
  • No visible large plane debris near crash site
  • No video footage of anything resembling a plane
  • Norman:
    • I have video of first guy to rock up within 5 minutes, no plane and not interviewed by the 9/11 commission
    • A clip from 9/11 Alchemy – Mark discussing ongoing effects (could also tie in with Shanksville, there are two separate short video clips)
    • Adam should also chip in, as well as Mark
    • Can show my article


  • Large hole in the ground.
  • No visible large plane parts.
  • Weird damage to trees.
  • Levitation of people in their house / bed.
  • Norman:
    • I have a video edit discussing the levitation effects at Shanksville.
    • Then also the water treatment issues
    • Also the issues with the ground samples – No contaminated ground with Jet Fuel
    • Can show my Shanksville article

Toasted Cars, Levitation, EMF Effects

  • 1400 cars toasted
  • Dust was NOT hot.
  • Cars, firetrucks, people were levitated
  • Toasted cars very far away.
  • EMF interference throughout the WTC, especially at each major event.
  • Norman:
    • My toasted Car article
    • Have a levitation video edit that kinda sweet

Mystery planes, mystery orbs, mystery objects

  • At LEAST 3 mystery planes flying near the 2nd "plane" during impact.
  • Mystery orbs surrounding 2nd "plane".
  • "Angels" seen at crash site at Shanksville.
  • Mystery object flying parallel to 2nd "plane" very close and VERY fast.

Impossible plane physics

  • Impossible speed, crash dynamics, maneuverability
  • Delayed explosion, mimics bunker buster.
  • Disappearing wings in many videos at the exact same time and place.
  • Disappearing wings in photos too.
  • 69 videos show exact same flight path.
  • Impossible / highly improbable cell phone calls
  • Norman:
    • Can show my latest article, discussing what the witnesses said (AJ article rework)
    • Have a 15 minute video discussing passenger lists and impossible phone calls

Hurricane Erin, Earth's Magnetic Field, and the Hutchison Effect

  • GIANT hurricane off the coast of NYC.
  • Hurricane Erin was strongest during events of 9/11 and made a right turn afterwards.
  • Low media reporting of Hurricane even though it was most studied of all time.
  • Earth's magnetic field spiked at each major 9/11 event as measured by multiple magnetometer stations near Alaska.
  • Hutchison Effect mimics many phenomena of 9/11, including twisting iron and steel like jelly.
  • John Hutchison swore an affidavit that 9/11 was a scaled up Hutchison Effect.
  • Norman:
    • My substack article is rather thorough, can go through it real quick

Mainstream Narrative is a joke

  • Passport found BEFORE buildings fell.
  • Osama blamed before, during, and after 9/11.
  • Mainstream videos push bogus fake physics.
  • Absolute joke.

Controlled Opposition Lies

  • Thermite
  • Nano-thermite
  • Remote controlled big Boeings
  • Nukes
  • Mini-nukes
  • 4th generation nukes
  • CGI
  • Infinite nonsense popping up everywhere.
  • Norman:
    • Can play one or two of my interactions with the talking heads where I demolish them?