✈️#911Truth Part 33: Electromagnetic Field Interference on 9/11

in MES 9/11 Truth2 months ago (edited)

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In #911Truth Part 33 I have compiled over an hour of 9/11 footage with electromagnetic static field interference at the World Trade Center (WTC), Pentagon, and Shanksville. From cameras glitching out, power outages, levitation effects blocks away, to even the Earth's magnetic field abruptly changing during each major event, 9/11 was a display of advanced technology far superior to any the world has seen before.

EMF Interference.jpeg

Links to videos used and their timestamps

  • Interference before first impact:
  • Thomas Canavan's watch stopped: https://t.me/meslinks/26908 0;13
  • Interference near Twin Towers: FIND IT from old file. 0;26
  • Interference near Twin Towers:
  • Interference before 2nd impact: https://t.me/meslinks/26585 1;54
  • Footage of TV interference before 2nd impact: ~~~ embed:911archive/comments/1e4it0p/another_instance_of_wtc_2_impact_interfering_with/ 2;14 reddit metadata:fDkxMWFyY2hpdmV8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yLzkxMWFyY2hpdmUvY29tbWVudHMvMWU0aXQwcC9hbm90aGVyX2luc3RhbmNlX29mX3d0Y18yX2ltcGFjdF9pbnRlcmZlcmluZ193aXRoLyAyOzE0fA== ~~~
  • CNBC 9/11 coverage as it happened live:
  • 9/11/01 ABC New York Local A.M. Broadcast:
  • Compilation of Disappearing Wings and other 9/11 Plane Anomalies:
  • NBC News Coverage North Tower anomaly after first "plane" hit: FIND IT 12;39
  • Infamous "nose out" Chopper 5 footage: https://t.me/meslinks/23805 13;28
  • Luc Courchesne with background color change of 2nd impact: https://t.me/meslinks/25722 13;52
  • Twin Towers turning to dust, 2nd impact, mystery object, mystery bottom fumes:
  • Helicopter footage of Twin Towers turning to dust:
  • Power outages at WTC and Shanksville: https://t.me/meslinks/26816 16;17
  • 9/11 power outages testimonies: https://t.me/meslinks/26876 16;26
  • PDF of 499 First Responders witness testimonies: https://t.me/meslinks/20245 16;54
  • 9/11 tires and cars exploding testimonies: https://t.me/meslinks/26956 17;08
  • 9/11 Scott oxygen packs exploding: https://t.me/meslinks/26981 17;18
  • Earth's magnetic field changed on 9/11: https://t.me/meslinks/27028 17;22
  • Hurricane Erin steered on 9/11: https://t.me/meslinks/27119 18;18
  • Thunderstorm at night on 9/10/2001:
  • Strange cloud formation on Twin Towers on morning of 9/11: https://t.me/meslinks/27084 20;02
  • Circular holes in glass on 9/11: https://t.me/meslinks/27854 20;12
  • Ron DiFrancesco says his contact lens melted to his eyes: https://t.me/meslinks/28340 20;36
  • Large hole in the ground in New Jersey on the morning of 9/11: https://t.me/meslinks/27047 21;46
  • Pentagon CCTV footage:
  • Pentagon seismic signals were of an electrical disturbance: https://t.me/meslinks/26888 23;34
  • Power outages at WTC and Shanksville: https://t.me/meslinks/26816 23;48
  • Shanksville giant hole in the ground: https://t.me/meslinks/25924 24;07
  • North Tower turning to dust:
  • EMF interference as the North Tower falls:
  • WNYW Live News coverage:
  • Helicopter footage of Building 7 turning to dust:
  • More helicopter footage of Building 7 turning to dust, lots of EMF interference and mystery planes:


  • Camera glitch before the 1st impact: 0:00
  • Thomas Canavan's watch stopped working 3 minutes after the 1st impact: 0:13
  • ABC news helicopter footage interference 4 minutes after 1st impact: 0:33
  • Helicopter footage interference near Twin Towers: 0:46
  • Distant camera interference just before 2nd impact, also mystery flashes are visible: 1:53
  • Camera filming live TV footage with interference just before the 2nd impact: 2:14
  • Helicopter Chopper 4 footage interference just before the 2nd impact, more interference later on too: 2:36
  • Reporter John Bussey from the Wall Street Journal says parked cars got on fire moments after each impact 10 city blocks away: 3:06
  • Interference and Maria Bartiromo saying the 2nd "plane" was small and impact looked like a movie: 3:40
  • Screen blacks out: 4:36
  • Helicopter NewsCopter 7: Camera glitches and fumes intensify in North Tower right when South Tower is struck: 4:51
  • Interference as South Tower falls into dust: 5:42
  • Pentagon fuming just like the WTC: 6:53
  • Fighter jet in the sky: 7:18
  • Static interference as the North Tower falls into dust: 7:43
  • Close up of the North Tower core columns Spire turning to dust: 9:20
  • News anchor says cell phones were having trouble connecting near the WTC. Today was also Primary Elections Day in New York and has been cancelled. F-16 Fighter Jet also seen. Mayor Rudy Giuliani's emergency center bunker was the 23rd floor of the North Tower: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudy_Giuliani 9:42
  • Camera glitching through Evan Fairbanks footage. Mystery plane flying parallel to the 2nd "plane". Burger King and Tamara Sushi lights flicker off and on. Paper pouring out of the South Tower. Rainbow colors on windows: 11:17
  • Sudden interference upon the 2nd impact. Mystery plane seen: 12:29
  • MSNBC News: North Tower increased fuming upon 2nd impact on South Tower. News anchor says "plane" was small, while reporter says it was big: 12:43
  • NY Good Day helicopter footage. Screen goes black upon the 2nd impact. Famous "nose out" footage, which is actually just a coincidental dust explosion: https://t.me/meslinks/24321 13:44
  • Luc Courchesne footage, sudden background color change minutes and seconds before 2nd impact, and afterwards: 13:52
  • Mystery object on roof moving near WTC just before the 2nd impact. Sudden EMF interference: 14:37
  • Mystery fumes near WTC and at the bottom of the WTC: 15:03
  • North Tower antenna spire flashing as 2nd impact hits South Tower: 15:18
  • Helicopter footage turns black momentarily: 15:41
  • Carmen Taylor says cell phones weren't working, and many reports of power outages including grocery stores. Firefighters said building was rumbling, shifting, and shaking. Engineers said buildings can withstand 10 airplanes hitting them each: 16:14
  • PDF of 499 first responders witness testimonies QR code: t.me/meslinks/20245 16:53
  • Many reports of cars, tires, and Scott oxygen packs blowing up: 17:07
  • Earth's magnetic field shifted abruptly with each WTC event, with the biggest fluctuation during WTC 7 prolonged dustification: 17:22
  • Hurricane Erin was right off the coast of NYC on 9/11 and did a sharp right turn afterwards because of a cold front. Erin had constant wind speed, pressure, and distance for the day: 18:20
  • There was a thunderstorm on 9/10 the previous night. The morning of 9/11 had strange clouds over the Twin Towers: 19:47
  • Many buildings had circular holes in windows, including single pane damage of double paned windows, and circular holes in firetruck windows at the Pentagon: 20:11
  • Ron DiFrancesco says his contact lens melted to his eyes: 20:35
  • There was a giant hole in the ground in New Jersey 12 miles from the WTC on the morning of 9/11. Outer bands of Hurricane Erin can be seen. Some camera interference too. 21:45
  • Mystery formation and bright flash after the Pentagon impact from the blurry CCTV footage. Similar fuming / dustification as WTC: 23:06
  • Seismic signals at the Pentagon were associated with an electrical disturbance: 23:33
  • Electricity and telephones stop working and lights flickered after the Shanksville impact forming a giant hole in the ground with barely any debris. "Passenger" made a 911 call from Flight 93: 23:48
  • Residents heard the ground shake miles away from Shanksville, and their bodies lifted. Also broken trees nearby: 25:50
  • Camera stops working for a few minutes when filming the North Tower: 27:37
  • Interference in helicopter footage as North Tower falls and core columns spire turns to dust. Mystery flashes nearby too: 28:03
  • News coverage turns black. Transmitter is on top of North Tower: 28:57
  • Footage turns black before and upon impact of the 2nd "plane". Famous "nose out" disinfo clip: https://t.me/meslinks/24321 29:40
  • Chopper 5 helicopter interference when filming the Twin Towers. Reporter says people thought they saw a missile. Reporters speculate of a large plane or a drone: 30:18
  • Reporter says he didn't see ambulances come out of WTC, just going in: 31:42
  • Cell phones not working in the building. And More mystery fuming from the bottom of the WTC before the towers fell: 32:38
  • News propaganda wants people to give up their freedoms. Similar fuming at Pentagon and WTC: 33:26
  • Fighter jet spotted: 34:03
  • North Tower and its spire falls into dust while Fox 5 reporters discuss "terrorism". Mystery flash: 35:55
  • News footage glitches out: 35:44
  • Injured people on the ground and firefighter locator alarms beeping, while news anchors talking about increased airport security shortly before 9/11, and wanting even more surveillance: 36:07
  • Fox 5 News reporter said he saw a half dozen people jump from the North Tower before it fell into dust. People breathed in debris from buildings, which he didn't know what it was comprised of: 38:10
  • Reporter says there were residual effects of the 2nd "explosion" from 8 to 10 blocks away to people and buildings. Footage of people running from the giant dust clouds: 39:00
  • Firefighter was heading to the WTC and then fire engine stopped: 40:37
  • One person was on the 85th floor and escaped. Another person on the elevator in the lobby had to pull a man (Kenneth Summers) out of the North Tower whose skin was burning and coming off of his body, without burning his clothes: 41:05
  • Static interference as reporter interviews survivors: 42:54
  • Woman says she could see the wings of the 2nd "plane" hitting the South Tower and thought they were "delivering bombs" because the explosion went up. Another person said the explosion went up like a mushroom, and another person said the "plane" was small, and said someone saw 4 planes: 43:20
  • At least 3 mystery planes were spotted during the 2nd impact: 44:22
  • Witness saw 4 jumpers coming down at 9:05 AM: 44:50
  • THE person that dragged out Kenneth Summers out of the WTC 1 lobby after his skin was hanging off. He heard a loud bang in the elevator doors before the 1st impact and saw jumpers out of the buildings: 44:58
  • People waving in one of the Towers, and News Anchor said her husband saw people jump: 45:25
  • Large debris turning to dust in mid-air as it falls: 46:06
  • Reporter: 3 people dead on arrival at hospital. 2 transferred (1 with severe burns (Kenneth Summers?). 200 people immediate treatment, all covered in dust. Footage of thick dust on streets as cars drive over it include a firetruck: 46:16
  • Fox 5 footage of Palestinians from the West Bank allegedly cheering: 47:03
  • Camera interference after dust cloud rolls past. People are covered in thick dust: 48:50
  • News anchor says dust cloud scenes look like an unreal movie: 50:55
  • Chopper 5 helicopter footage interference looking over highway traffic far away: 51:25
  • Slight interference as News anchors want more airport security. Brianne Leary report on increased internet use for communications because phone lines are congested. And mention of Taliban's denial of responsibility for 9/11 LOL: 52:16
  • Helicopter footage interference during Fox 5 news coverage: 53:39
  • Osama bin Laden is blamed, plus interesting Freemasonic hand signs. Footage shows interference as people run from the dust clouds. "Expert" says 9/11 has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine, and blames IRAN. 54:16
  • Man yelling at people for collecting WTC rubble as souvenirs: 56:36
  • Footage goes black. Everyone is having phone communication problems. Mystery flashes shown as Building 7 gradually turns to dust. Communications switch inside WTC serving 40,000 people was destroyed. 230 million calls, doubled daily volume in NYC on 9/11: 58:10
  • Helicopter footage with heavy interference throughout Building 7's dustification: 1:00:09
  • Every other non-military aircraft has been grounded, and there are F-15s fighter jets flying around: 1:01:58
  • Mystery white plane flying over the WTC: 1:02:33
  • Mystery low flying plane over the WTC: 1:04:09
  • This helicopter was the only one allowed to fly in entire country that is not part of rescue operations or the military: 1:05:03
  • Reporter is surprised at the unusual "fire bonding equipment" on the ground. Footage of boats pumping water from the Hudson: 1:05:30
  • Helicopter is about 1,500 to 1,600 ft in the air and dust is reaching about 5,000 ft in the air. Reporter has never seen anything like this in her life. Air traffic control asked them to land: 1:06:20
  • More helicopter footage of heavy interference as Building 7 dustifies: 1:09:11
  • Mystery plane flying over the WTC: 1:09:20
  • Another mystery plane flying over the WTC, then it or another one flies back: 1:10:28
  • Fighter jet spotted as footage still has lots of interference: 1:12:56
  • Mystery dark aircraft flying low past the WTC and flashes twice: 1:14:43
  • Mystery plane flies above the WTC: 1:15:21
  • The same or another mystery plane flies back past the WTC: 1:15:50
  • Very heavy electromagnetic interference: 1:16:26
  • Mystery plane flies past WTC: 1:19:31
  • Big upwards burst of darker dust: 1:20:20
  • Helicopter is many miles away from the WTC yet static interference is very strong. Zoom in close up of Building 7 turning to dust from one side only: 1:21:16
  • Another helicopter is spotted flying: 1:24:00
  • White mystery plane flies past the WTC: 1:24:54
  • Very strong interference as helicopter flies away before footage cuts: 1:25:45

Stay tuned for #911Truth Part 34...