Use what you've got

in Startups11 days ago (edited)

use what you've got thumbv2.jpg

Getting your business off the ground can be brutal. How do I know? because I've been doing it for 7 years.

This is me cutting up rockwool to make acoustic panels. The other one is me painting my studio. I didn't have the money to hire someone to do it for me, but I had some time and two hands.

In the very beginning you don’t have enough clients (heck, you might not have ANY clients), your product or service might not be very good yet and sometimes you don’t have a lot of cash to invest to acquire equipment or hire people to help you out. And the stress of not being able to make enough money WILL spill over to your personal life. You will have days where you feel anxious, you will have days where you skip meals and come home late to get into an argument with your significant other, But you can’t let any of that stop you. When you are starting in entrepreneurship, you'll have limitations, but you’ve got to use what you’ve got.

Everybody has time.

And if time is all you have, well, use it.

Put in the extra hours to learn how to get better at selling, working on your business model, on your marketing funnel, on a new skill.

I painted a chalk board wall in my apartment so I can work on my business model canvas whenever I feel like working on my business model:

Try new things that might improve your business. Many might not work and if they don’t, it won’t put you back at where you started because you’ll have that experience under your belt. After you try different things and a bunch of them don’t work, you’ll have a dozen experiences under your belt and when that happens, almost by magic, you’ll start leveling up.

Put in the time to learn about your craft.

Get good at the thing.

Is it recording podcasts? Get good at it.

Is it mixing music? Get good at it.

Is it providing a particular product or service? Get good at it.

If you get good at something, and show proof that you’re good at doing that thing, people will come to you and ask you for help. In exchange for that help, they will give you money and BOTH parties will walk away saying a big thank you to each other because you BOTH felt like you received value in return.

Focus on this.

I learned an acronym that goes like this V+C=P. It stands for visibility plus credibility equals profitability.

First, try to be seen. Let people know you exist and know who you are. Then, you MUST be able to deliver on your promise. That skill we talked about getting good at... you MUST deliver. That will earn you credibility and hopefully some referrals from happy customers. When people know who you are and know you're amazing at what you do they will buy from you and that's where the last P (profitability) in the formula comes in. Do that, rinse and repeat.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oh wow you are telling the truth here!

We have been working our business for 5 years now, punched in the nuts by a pandemic almost immediately after launch! So what you say rings so true.

In addition to that, our business is to help other small businesses and entrepreneurs with local exposure and promotion that leads to sales....the life blood of a small business. One thing I have seen is that many people will let their passion battle with their business acumen, or vice versa. I would say a very valuable tip would be to keep a constant check on the passion/business logic balance as you really have to have both to succeed. When passion heats up too much, your personal brand may interfere with the business which in-turn, impacts your personal life and can lead to a bit of a whirlwind in the wrong direction.


I like it!!! I like that V+C=P!!! Without knowing it, I have always tried to stick to it... Maybe less at V, but on C and P always!! 😃
In the next few months, I see myself with similar tools like you in your first few photos... Actively thinking of going back to running an offline (maybe combined with online) business, and brainstorming about it, creating business plans in my head... 😃

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The V+C=P formula is something I learned form Ivan Misner, a business man, speaker and podcaster.

That's amazing! What's your business about? Whatever you do in the coming months, I recommend you do your best with what you've got now and ALWAYS try refining your skills.

Well, I will need a bit more time to set up everything as I will have to move with my family to another city... After the research of the market, We will see what to do... As my wife is a piano teacher, I'm thinking of combining 2 things in one... Maybe a coworking space in the morning, turning into piano class in the afternoon/evenings... It is still just an idea... ;)

Sending intergalactic vibrations your way my friend! Wishing you all the success in the world. Hope to hear/read your ideas as the become clearer.

Gotta learn how to be resourceful to get ahead in the world. That's my thing on the farm. I have so much I can use, I just have to figure out how to use the resources I have in the wisest way possible.

That's awesome man. Yeah, I've been listening to the likes of Alex Hormozi on podcasts and I got really excited about this topic. We can make it if we use what we got at the time and push! Being resourceful is an amazing skill.

Looking forward to your update on the farm.

Yeah, I am waiting till it gets cold to do any big updates. Gotta let the snakes go back into hiding, lol. Much of the material I need is in piles at the woodline and I saw 2 snakes the other day over near there, so I stay away, lol. And people wonder why I carry a pistol as I just walk around my property, lol.

But yeah, one thing I have found is that people look too much as things they think they need for a business instead of just using what you have right in front of you. That's why I love trading so much. It just takes money and skill, and if you know how to properly use leverage, then you don't need much money to get started.

It is always a great feeling when your hard work pays off. I saw you were wearing a mask when cutting the wood, but I believe it is also safer to wear a mask when painting as well.

I guess the biggest problem for people like me is finding what craft to work on. I like playing games and reading, but that doesn't easily translate to something that can work. I guess it is because they are more as a consumer, rather than a provider of service. This really made me think about what businesses I can work on, and I'll keep your V+C=P in mind. Thanks.

Maybe think about what problem you have that needs to be solved. What problem does your community have? or maybe what problem your city might be facing. If you can build a solution to a problem, you can start developing a business plan around that.

I think we have a lot of problems in our community. But the solutions aren't that easy to fix or something that I am especially good/interested at. I'll start looking more closely though. Thanks.

You'll figure it out. It'll come to you.

It is not easy friend when you are aiming to build something bigger. I have been putting half a decade now into become the best entrepreneur. It comes with pitfalls and you just have to get up and keep going.
Another aspect as you said has always been the area of financial limitations, increasing workforce = increasing payees. I most times have to get things done myself and its always very tiring. For sure the future reward will correct the present struggles. Happy to meet an entrepreneur

Happy to meet you to my friend! It's not an easy path, but we've got to keep ourselves and each other motivated. I've totally been there with the workforce problem, needing more employees but not having the budget. At one point we opened an internship program and approached the local universities. We got some "free" work from students that need to do between 200-300 hours of internship as a university requirement.

There's always a way if you use what you have.

There has been a rapid rise in standard of living in the last two years over here. What does this result to? High cost of paying workers especially in seasons of slow business. You are left to think of several ways out just to keep business breathing. One way is your full involvement to meet demands and most especially retain business name hoping for a better future. Really stressful I must say.

Running your own business sounds sweet and fun, but it's not always so. Especially when you have to work so hard to get things going. You have to do all the work that you can do yourself, like you do, otherwise it costs a lot of money.

Any endeavor can be difficult in the beginning. Starting a business is no exception. This is a reminder to use whatever you have at the moment to get things going and focus on developing your skills. Things get easier with time.

Did you also start a business?

Not myself but a friend of mine has a boutique and I was helping him so I know the inner things. And I agree with you, everything gets easier with time. It's just hard at first

You said it all.
Business, especially the starting stage can be so tough when you're not fully equipped with the necessary requirements. There's always a starting point which is the first step that was referred to "a journey of a thousand miles..."

You've got to start with what you've got, stay focused and stay consisten You'll eventually pick up skills and tools that will allow you to level up.

That's exactly how a determinant person operates👌

You need a ladder!

Haha, this was years ago and I had to use what I had at the moment, lol. I've bought a ladder since then 😄


Haha, nice!
Most accidents happen at home.
Standing on a chair must be high in ranking!

You are perfectly right about this and so much that I was inspired concerning this your post. Actually sometimes we always wait till when we have enough before we take some steps which should not be so actually.

The little we have, we can start with it and trust on innovation and creativity to make it produce huge result.

Never wait till we have enough. We should start now and work hard. Even the times when we fail we are actually gaining experience points and knowledge and those are the tools (skills) that will allow us to level up later down the line.

I have a question
Is it possible to start a business and have all the equipments?
I’m not talking about finance but maybe they lack experience and don’t know the right things to buy
Maybe, right?

Knowing what to buy was always a useful skill in Supermarket Sweep with David Ruprecht!

Would check it out

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