Ownership Money vs Borrowed Money: Equity vs Debt Explained

in Economics2 months ago


Equity is very much different from debt because when you buy equity you're buying a part of the company and therefore you are entitled to profit from that company.
Equity and share might mean the same thing but in some cases equity can be a little bit different from shares, Because if you own an Equity in a company it means you own a piece of ownership of that particular company which can call inform of shares, partnership interest and so many others.
Therefore buying shares means buying a portion of that company's ownership


But debt represents a loan so in this case let's take it as if you loaned a company a particular amount of money maybe in the form of a bond therefore all you are entitled to is interest payment so even if there is a massive surge In the company share or the company made a large amount of profit you are not going to gain from any of that you only get the initial interest that was agreed upon. And you have no business voting right on company decisions.

But debt is sometimes considered less riskier than equity because you get your guaranteed interest payments no matter the health of the organization but companies may default on their payments of interest or principal payments. But there are more safer bonds like Government bonds.


In conclusion equity comes with higher returns and also a potential of high influence of the company but you also comes with high-risk why debt comes with a stable return with low risk but offers nothing else. And it totally depends on the investor tolerance and goals

So what would you rather invest on Equity or debt in the form of bonds