Today a special shirt came in the mail. None other then...
A Tron t-shirt! Which I think complements my Steem and OG SteemMonsters (now known as @splinterlands) shirts quite nicely.
And of course my #mene24k shirt:
I'm super excited to see dedicated #menemaniac posts and who knows, maybe we can get @justinsunsteemit to join :)
I already know one famous Mene maniac.
Earn $5 in Mene credit by signing up for Mene with this invite link:
Where did you get those tees.... Love them all!
The Mene one was handmade :)
That is fantastic! What amazing photos! Thanks for being the corest of the core member of #menemaniacs, its great to have a place to share our #mene passion!
Thank YOU for starting this awesome community!