Hello my people, I hope you all have a happy day hy Saturday, happy day of the spirit of Christmas. Today my people I present this song one of the most iconic songs in the world, and especially rock, a super legendary band that has remained in the forefront of the industry. I hope you enjoy this song and this editorial.

Disc:Highway To Hell.
Three chords. Three chords and the euphoria is served. Every time Angus extracts from his Gibson SG those magical notes, defined and at the same time encompassed by intense silences between which Phil Rudd's snare hits sneak in, any of us will feel our hearts beating three times faster than the marked martial rhythm of this riff par excellence.
Few songs manage to produce in so few seconds such a reaction in the listener. And Bon Scott hasn't even started singing yet... his sour and spontaneous voice soaks the recognizable guitar riff with a touch of cockiness and charisma and it's all said and done “I'm on the Highway to Hell!!!”. Suddenly you find yourself singing with your fist in the air one of the emblematic choruses of hard rock.

Malcolm keeps the rhythm while an Angus, possessed by a demonic energy, lets himself go and starts to do some tricks in the solo while good old Bon stretches his throat to the point of making it squeak. The story of “Highway To Hell”, the album, is a story that no matter how many times it is told, it never ceases to thrill in a certain way.

After a handful of masterful albums, Australians AC/DC were finally beginning to find recognition with their new slice of vinyl, the most inspired work they had recorded to date which appeared, like their first single, in August '79. A truly unsurpassable record. And then tragedy struck.

Bon Scott, that rowdy and hooligan guy who had gone from driving the band's bus to showing off his naked torso and tattoos at the front of the band, succumbed to his alcoholic excesses and drowned in his own vomit on February 19th of the recently inaugurated decade of the 80s. When the conquest of America, where the album had been their greatest success to date, seemed close, a hard setback dynamited the morale and the career of a group that if they had decided to quit at that very moment out of respect and mourning for their partner, they would have been among the greatest bands in their own right.
But far from giving up, they went ahead and ...well, you know the rest of the story, but that's a different story. What occupies us is this song that sadly ended up being an ironic harbinger of the end of Bon Scott. Although it immediately transmits an optimistic and cheerful vibe because of that omnipresent rhythm of the Australians, it is still in a way a premonitory epitaph; “I'm on my way to the promised land... my friends will be there too” he sang with his good humor and his heartbroken tone.
Today his old colleagues, with the voice of the equally endearing Brian Johnson, continue to play this immortal slogan and still regularly go down to hell to visit their fallen comrade.

I hope you liked this editorial which is about one of the most legendary bands as it is AC/DC, and that theme which undoubtedly is a legendary classic of rock music and the world in every genre, is a theme which has become over time in popular culture. Blessings to all and see you in a new post with more of the legendary rock songs.