My harp and me /Mi arpa y yo /

in CELF Magazine5 months ago (edited)

(Esta publicación es bilingüe, la versión en castellano se encuentra al final del post)

A big shout out to this community made up of music enthusiasts - I would say "crazy about it" -. Vocalists, instrumentalists and composers.

Today I arrive here from Villa de Cura, a small town in the state of Aragua in Venezuela, with my instrument: the harp. I have liked music all my life, but when I was 17 I bought a harp and that's when I started learning.

I didn't know how to tune it, so I found a man who played the harp and he taught me a little how to tune it. His name was Antonio González. He rarely visited my house because he was busy and I was also working. The times he arrived I told him to teach me how to play and tune the harp. And so I learned to tune it because the first thing you need to know about an instrument is how to tune it. If you don't know how to tune an instrument, how do you make music? To change the tone? To transport the tone of the harp? You have to keep all of that in mind to be able to play the music you like.

So I learned through practice, playing every day, searching for sounds, and after six months I was already playing the harp in Joropo Aragüeño at parties.

When I was 17 years old I worked in a company called Castel Gandolfo. They were manufacturers and distributors of wine, the remembered Castel Gandolfo wine. The company was in Los Teques but they had a branch on the road to San Juan de los Morros. I worked there and was able to buy my first instrument. That harp cost me 40 bolivars in that epic, which would now be one US dollar.

And practicing, practicing, practicing, after six months I was already playing the harp. They already hired me. Then I went to work somewhere else and then I gave up the instrument a bit because I had to be working sometimes in Maracay, other times here in La Villa. So it became a little difficult for me. But they kept booking me to play at dances and parties and I kept practicing whenever I could.

I retired from the instrument when I was in Maracay because there I didn't have the instrument where I could practice. I could practice like once a month and that's nothing for a musician. So I sold the harp. But one day I was able to come to Villa de Cura and then I bought another harp and started playing again every time they hired me.

(Versión en castellano )

Un gran saludo a esta comunidad formada por apasionados de la música - yo diría "locos por ella" - . Vocalistas, instrumentistas y compositores.

Hoy llego acá desde Villa de Cura, pequeño pueblo del estado Aragua en Venezuela, con mi instrumento: el arpa .

La música me ha gustado toda la vida, pero cuando tenía 17 años me compré un arpa y allí comencé a aprender. No sabía afinarla, entonces encontré un señor que tocaba arpa y me enseñó un poquito a afinar. Él se llamaba Antonio González.

Él iba poco por mi casa porque en realidad estaba ocupado y yo también trabajaba. Las veces que llegaba yo le decía que me enseñara a tocar y a afinar el arpa. Y así fui aprendiendo a afinarla porque lo primero que hay qué saber de un instrumento es cómo afinarlo. Si usted no sabe afinar un instrumento ¿Cómo hace para sacar una música? ¿Para cambiar el tono? ¿Para transportar el tono del arpa? Hay qué tener todo eso pendiente para poder tocar la música que a uno le gusta. Entonces yo fui aprendiendo con la práctica, tocando todos los días, buscando los sonidos y ya a los seis meses ya yo tocaba arpa en joropo aragüeño en las fiestas.

A mis 17 años trabajaba en una compañía llamada Castel Gandolfo. Eran fabricantes y distribuidores de vino, el recordado vino Castel Gandolfo. La compañía estaba en Los Teques pero tenían una sucursal en la vía hacia San Juan de los Morros. Allí trabajé yo y pude comprar mi primer instrumento. Esa arpa me costó en esa épica 40 bolívares, lo que sería ahora un dólar US. Y practicando, practicando, practicando, a los seis meses ya yo tocaba arpa. Ya me contrataban.

Después me fui a trabajar para otro lado y entonces dejé un poco el instrumento porque tenía qué estar trabajando unas veces en Maracay, otras veces acá en La Villa. Entonces se me hizo un poco dificil. Pero me seguían contratando para tocar en bailes y fiestas y yo seguía practicando cada vez que podía. Me retiré del instrumento cuando estaba en Maracay porque allá no tenía el instrumento donde poder practicar. Podía practicar como una vez al mes y eso es nada para un músico.

Total que vendí el arpa. Pero un buen día me pude venir para Villa de Cura y entonces compré otra arpa y comencé a tocar de nuevo cada vez que me contrataban




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Wow this has been part of music I wish I could play it like the way David did in the Bible

It is true, many people do not know that David not only played the harp but that the sound of it warded off an evil spirit that was coming to torment King Saul. Thanks for the visit.

True talk sir

Yeehaw! What a tale of determination and passion for music, partner! Keep strummin' that harp and spreadin' joy with your melodies!

Greetings, @cowboy.curator, thank you for your visit and kind words. Just as you say, playing a musical instrument is spreading joy. Music is one of the most beautiful things we have. Blessings.

Yeehaw, partner! Your music is like a campfire under the stars, lighting up the trail for all your fellow travelers. Keep strumming and spreading that joy!

I will do that, dear @cowboy.curator. Keep in touch.

Keep ridin' strong, partner. Reflect on the miles you've covered and the stories you've shared. The community is richer with your trailblazin' spirit! Onward to new horizons! 🤠🌵🐎

Thanks a lot. I will do it