Hey there!
I've been listening to several of the podcasts and interviews here on HIVE. CTT with Dan and Starkerz, Crypto Maniacs with Tasmaster and JonGolson. And I often find insightful quotes regarding what we're building in the HIVE ecosystem, for example:
as @taskmaster4450 said in the latest @cryptomaniacspod episode #163, which you can listen to on Aureal:
we all have the same amount of time. You have to make the decision to dedicate some of your time to #HIVE and do it part-time. Don't wait till you have "spare time".
Or this one:
Going through the Crypto Maniacs' back catalog, I realized @jongolson said it on Crypto Maniacs Podcast Episode 143 with @jimmyadames:
Everybody's got 1440 minutes in a day. What are you going to do with them? Are you going to sit there and complain and whine? Why not spend that time being out there in front of people creating value?
I find great inspiration in quotes like these. Are they welcome in this community?