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RE: (UPDATED to V0.2): Strategizer Proposal: Fueling Hive's Growth/Evolution With Customized Research, Marketing Strategy Design & More!

in Hive Governancelast year


direct some funds towards marketing

I suspect most "marketing plans" are "let's put some words out there on X and see what happens (if we remember)" or "make Hive posts." The latter is cool if your Total Addressable Market is Hive users. That's not a really sustainable TAM though, especially if nothing is being done to grow Hive itself.

The former is just... not typically effective. Unless you're hammering it all day, every day, doing non-scalable work like crim or anomadsoul do to get into Spaces, learning the algo, networking, designing smart conversion funnels ('cause all Twitter is TOFU marketing, and all apps (including dApps) need the full funnel)... and we know that is pulling teeth to get projects to begrudgingly author one half-decent tweet a week (which is like going to the gym for 5 minutes a week and hoping to see results).

However, I am not aware of any of the projects intending to carry out the kind of research that we intend for Strategizer

Me neither! I've earmarked and advocated for market research for WOO (I believe @bookerman is happy to share our general content marketing plan publicly, if anyone is interested. I'll check with him again to be sure if anyone requests though), but it's not cheap and we're pretty bootstrapped as it is.