Others say it far better than I can, but wouldn't lowering the HBD APR be bad for Hive, especially right now in a bear market? We would very quickly lose a lot of investors who are only here for the 20%. The value of Hive would drop. I think we want investors to notice Hive, right? We want to attract investment in Hive, right? We don't do that by eliminating what is frankly the only thing that makes Hive visible to many people.
Look, I've been here for 6 years, and I traded all my HBD for Hive back when Hive dropped to a quarter at the end of last year, so I don't really directly benefit from the 20%. So if the APR goes down I will still be here. But I'm looking at the health of Hive itself. I see the 20% as a very good thing for attracting people. I think @taskmaster4450's numerous articles on this topic show just that.
It would be a different matter if the 20% was not sustainable and was hurting Hive, but from all I understand from Taskmaster, not only is this not the case, but it is very much helping Hive.