Question: By setting a proxy, do I get to keep my currently voted witnesses, or are they all reset into whatever my proxy chooses?
I suppose another good choice is to look at the witnesses chosen by someone I might trust as a proxy, and distribute my votes to match more of their choices, and keep other witness votes I specifically want too keep.
They are all reset.
This has become a problem for me, because I want to vote for @r0nd0n who has just become a witness, and whose character I believe to be unmatched, but my current proxy has just had a baby, and isn't paying much attention to Steem atm.
If I vote for @r0nd0n, I'll have to set 29 other witness votes because voting for one witness ends the proxy completely.
They're being reset. The 2nd option is also good. It simply depends on your behaviour, if you prefer to be in control or if you want to put your trust on another Steemian.