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RE: Decreasing HBD APR and Posting Rewards and Increasing the Importance of Hive Power (HP)

Is there a way to roughly figure out what Reduce Posting Rewards at 10% would do for the powered up APR currently would be we looking at something crazy small like 3.25% from the current 3.10% ? Or would it be more drastic like 5% APR at current numbers?

IMO and what I've been saying since the first day of 20% APR is it's not really sustainable it would crash at some point. But to me it also feels like it sucks the power out of hive. I feel HBD should be more around the 5% - 7% APR range. That feels sustainable while still proving a little more value to holding Hive and being active with it compared to just sitting around on HBD.


From a comment above

Hive inflation is currently distributed as follows:
65% posting/curation rewards (32,5/32,5 equally split).
10% Witnesses
15% Hive Power APR
10% DHF
Substrating 10% from the first category would net as follows:
55% posting/curation rewards (27,5/27,5 equally split).
10% Witnesses
25% Hive Power APR
10% DHF
Which in practice would equal a -15.38% reduction in both curation and author rewards in exchange for increasing +40% of the rewards for holding plain HP (Please feel free to correct me If I'm missing something obvious).
-15% in voting power (with its consequences for authors and curation) in exchange for a net APR of +4,03% for holding Hive power (increased from the actual 3,09%).