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RE: Wolf Witness Statement: Steem Protective Soft Fork 222

in Hive Governance5 years ago

Thank you. Yeah hes telling us to back up our data externally is somehow like offensive to the original hard drive manufacturer? LOL

I even wrote an essay about how even robots like @penguinpablo make automated reports TELLING us how much steem is even on all exchanges and its barely 100M so yeah not even that much to begin with to even buy lol. and at that point no one wants to sell OTC for low prices, ur stuck payin market price. we are gonna be ballin one more or maybe 2 more 3 more times. fuck it steem will go up and down every few years for decades its gonna last as long as MATH is good and i doubt any quantum computers will be breaking basic encryption anytime soon. I see steem as good for centuries.