IBT Survival Island - Update

in IBT Survival Island11 months ago

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Tough few days, but mostly the coding continues without stop.

Multi choice conversations


Depending on the person, some conversations will be limited or small talk. This week we have been extending conversation choices and attempting to add missions in the conversations. Which has not been fully successful yet.

Abusing NPC's


Sometimes some NPC's may seem ignorant and you have an opportunity to get smart with them or abuse them. If a NPC is strong looking or seems tough, then I wouldn't advise you to say too much as for it might start a fight.

Wide selection of questions


Here is an example of a large number of questions that can be asked to an NPC during a conversation. We use a flow chart system that is an easy way to edit and allows us to freely add as many questions as we want with any character.

Ummn.. what else, not much, just the normal grind and life getting in the way of a full-time life as a game maker haha.

That's it for this update - happy programming to all those game makers out there; no matter how tough it gets never stop. For me you make games for the love of making them and go at whatever pace you want - Enjoy the week.

We have a Dicord Channel, if keen for it pop a message here and jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing.

