IBT Survival Island - Update

in IBT Survival Islandlast year (edited)

In these regular updates we will bring fresh content to Hive, in the form of our game coding experiences; IBT is a developing PC game - the one to have future Crypto interactions.

Happy Easter...well, to all those who celebrate it have a nice Easter weekend.

It's been an interesting few weeks and I've been able to catchup in person with the lead programmer for IBT....let's call it a seminar/workshop. As part of these not so regular workshops a few too many drinks are a requirement and creativity for in game development is a must (bring your own cardboard cartons filled with anything from soft drink to red wine).


The most recent workshop (which lasted about two weeks) has been about designing special cardboard amour for IBT. The creative process required drinking lots of goon, soft drink & then coffee; and then being creative with the left-over cardboard boxes, in order to truly workout what our in game early (cardboard Armour) should look like.

Like a good movie actor trying to get into the zone, we created our armour and weapons using common street available items.i.e. left over cardboard boxes and unused office products. Then after a rigorous test (getting drunk and beating each other up), we converted our really tested items, into in game cardboard Armour items...brilliant! well we thought so. haha.


Making amour for a game from cardboard requires a decent variety and supply of materials from the IBT participants of the workshop. Some of us chose to use very crude Neanderthal ways of gathering cardboard from everyday products but the end results were simply put... amazing! one witness even suggested the event was life changing! one neighbour considered calling the cops but later just thought we weren't worth it and instead threw bottles at us, which was very kind as it helped us get deeper into the zone.

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Final Words

The final result from attending the 2-week workshop has taught us on how to build items for IBT and then how to promptly turn them into 3D objects for the game after. From this new knowledge, IBT Original will have unique and rare sets of cardboard amours and really weak weapons that will probably end up killing your character via a paper cut, making the whole game a complete waste of valuable time OR NOT!... either way the game will surely be unique.


That's it for this update - we hope you enjoyed the behind-the-scenes development insight. For me it was a truly engaging experience, very enlightening and I'm pretty sure I took 2 steps back as a human being.

We have a Dicord Channel, if keen for it pop a message here and jump in and drop us a line and help with some testing.




That's the thing about drinks. At the time, they feel like they're helping.

true - next day is always a worry. :)