The Monster Behind Gender Theory, and the Atrocious Lie He Based It On

Quite a few times I noted that people deny a link between gender conjecture and circumcision and that both are hurting children.

But that's not true. Gender ideology and circumcision have been linked from the beginning. Gender conjecture is based on a failed experiment which was possible because a failed circumcision. Jordan B Peterson recently discussed this with one of his guests:

For those who don't want to watch the video: In the end the experiment failed catalytically, “Brenda” de-transitioned to “David” and both Reimer Brothers committed suicide (by overdose and firearm) when they where in their 30th.

The whole gender ideology is a failed conjecture based on a failed experiment which has cost two lives. Yet the left continues to push it as ideologues do. Ideologues don't care if their beloved conjectures failed.

I also learned that David liked to urinate standing up despite having lost his penis as an infant. I take away from that factoid that pissing standing up is inherit masculine.

#MensRights #Circumcision #Gender


That entire experiment (Brenda) should have ended with the doctors being helped along in the own suicides.... aka hanging from a lamppost.

Stupid modern medicine thinks sex is only about the external facing organs.
How wrong they are. How destructive the things they do to "transition" a person.
At the minimum, giving that person a festering, open wound for the rest of their lives.

What happened to David was atrocious. And everyone should know it.
But everyone today seems to ignore the findings of this experiment that cost the subject and his brother their lives.