Protect the kids from Chants NWO and Poison Needles

in Informationwar4 years ago


Kerry Chant of the New World Order, has made comment that suggest her plans to jab experimental poison into our children is mere weeks away.
Any moms out there think this is a good, logical and safe idea? Points of facts;

  1. covid is not a threat to children. Vaccines are.
  2. these jabs do not stop covid infection or transmission.
  3. they remain experimental in a trial phase
  4. they have a shockingly high number of adverse reactions compared to other vaccines in vaers.
  5. has the govt EVER lied about anything important?

click to sign petition to remove government

No, I do not believe they care either. Its Never been about health. I believe it would be most prudent to do forensic Audit on all public servants, see who's buying them holiday homes etc. Clean out the poisoned actors and vested interests with hidden agendas.


Despite the vile yet effective brainwashing Kerry Chant has inflicted on NSW, too many hairpin reality turns and outright lies are causing the public to slowly wake up. Now its kinda become a race to see if Australia can wake up enough to take our country back before this evil WEF run regime can get itself securely embedded in our countrys driving seat. I can see we don't have long.


The enormity of the Covid hoax allowing this worldwide takeover of Democratic governments is simple in premise and gigantic in its scope. 1) use PCR tests cycle higher than 30 so nearly all flu becomes covid19 2) real covid19 is an engineered virus with 73 patents on it 3) use fear and the wef health advisors to brainwash the public and start the basic changes to the fabric of society. 4) ride the wave of made up crises to change laws to suit the new totalitarian rulers and strip rights from citizens.
Sound like a dystopian fantasy?
Look around, its just been happening to Australia for almost 2 years now,


The WEF mole in NSW Kerry Chant, openly avowed her allegience to The New World Order to the press (see above) which unsurprisingly went viral. But intentional or slipup, plans to jab mystery poison into every human on earth continues. To be blunt we have not got a fucking cue what it does. Guesses range from 5G tracking, sterilization, life shortener, property owners tag, but no one is sure except that its nothing to do with our health. And they want that shot in everyone REALLY badly. Which in rational minds sets of alarm bells at every level.


The still asleep public has let these alarms drift past them. While the went and got jabbed.
I predict there's going to be a LOT of angry Aussies waking up soon. If they form an angry mob, the MPs that betrayed the voters and made this happen have good reason to be worried. I for one will hand out the pitchfoks.



How much is Chant getting payed behind the scenes to push this crap I wonder.

stay safe always

To be taken seriously , you may wish to consider adding sources to give credence to your arguments and opinion.

Look at things from the general publics perspective. Do you take the advice of the government and medical professionals or from a ranty bloke you don't know online who says stuff without backing it up with verifiable evidence.