Brace Yourself for the REAL Zombie Apocalypse: De-population Earth

in Informationwar3 years ago

Brace Yourself for the REAL Zombie Apocalypse: De-population Earth


Lets start by getting on the same page in regards to what has happened over the past few years. A helpful starting point is for me to push back on the commandeering of the term Conspiracy Theory by mainstream media purely with the aim of trivialising and dismissing anything that is not in line with their masters narratives.

When this tactic fails, overt censorship when possible will occur.
For now Hive claims to support free speech, more certainly than big tech platforms.
But in truth, global genocide, population control, global government, world wide surveillance - none of this is theory, its all out in the open and is the stated goal of WEF, GatesFoundation, AWS, IMF, UN and others. The genocide of humanity is a careful plan, read all about it.


The plan to kill billions via a fake plandemic and then inject the world with deadly gene therapy branded as "vaccines" is also a well known plan long before it became our reality.
The Elite cabal of bankers, hedgefunds, ancient families, have nothing but contempt for humanity. Yes, they truly want you dead.


Every day in every way the public is waking up that they have been gaslighted about Covid and the adverse reactions, inc sterility to the deadly jab underlines the silent but direct attack humanity is under. This attack is offically call the Great Reset by the group acting as the spearhead, the World Economic Forum.

Using docs publicly available the plan itself can be distilled down to precise stages. These stages, or phases, have been followed to date almost to the letter.


So I won't belabour the point that this gencocide of humanity is underway. It clearly is. The evidence for it is overwhelming and has been summerised by others in a variety of ways from the often censored "Spartacus Letter" or the multi part documentary "Fall of the Cabal" freely available on Bitchute or the podcast Grandtheftworld Website and the expose on Agenda21
Doing your own research here is just a matter of being able to read. None of this is even hidden from cursory searches.


Doctors and exerts from every corner of Earth have been examining these eugenics death shots closely producing info packed reports and findings such as Vaccine Death Report and exPfizer Karen Kingston exposes big pharma on multiple occasions
Then the Fauci Dossier proving the public is being poisoned intentionally as identified by Dr David Martin

More talented names (Dr Malone, Dr Madeji, Dr Gold, Dr Zelenko) that cannot be ignored lent so much weight to the truth of adverse reactions, and woke up enough of the public up that the Cabal (in attempting to save itself) has cut loose some Covid Hoax Narrative and will in all likely-hood throw the frontmen, govt schills and big pharma directors, under the bus while over the next few years millions die from the damage caused by these killer vax.
Envision a ferocious global mob looking for who is to blame.
That scares the Cabal.
So they will misdirect us when they can or provide a patsy when pressed.


The cabal have had centuries of practice at hiding themselves as individuals, and at the art of misdirection and scapegoating. Already they are shutting down operations which are too directly linked to Blackrock or Vanguard, and hence to themselves. But these plans were all part of contingencies designed decades ago. They do the job of giving the public targets to find and the vindication distracts them from digging deeper.

The greater distractions are naturally serving a dual purpose for the Cabal, (1) ensuring the public masses have their attention pointed away from the Cabal and (2) Killing individuals hence driving the depopulation goal forward.
The vaccines use their gene therapy and graphene dioxide components in a few ways to accomplish this dual purpose. To help you grasp the Gene Drive theory, an explanation link is below.


Some of those examining the mis-labelled vaccines theorise that the Mrna changes made to individuals might express themselves as horrific tumors; an outgrowths of random cells multiplying insanely, and painfully, till death and insanity results. As this form of 'walking dead' zombie may take a while to become common-place its one to look out for in 2-3years time.


More immediate Zombies are those already suffering the Mass Formation delusions. Partway to zombie land already due to their slavelike belief in commercial media and endless diet of synthetic package 'food' dealt out by the Cabals corporations (slow death phase of genocde). Even know the in-your-face adverse effects exploding across the planet is not stopping them from posting cringe worthy tiktoks when getting boosted.
This zombie type is already triggered to anger if their vax god is challenged, but the deadly pages, micro hydras and other living parasites in the vax will affect this mentally weakened group at a variety of times in multiple ways before klling them. Violence, paranoia and explosive aggression should be expected.
These are the Zombies that pose the greatest danger in the apocalypse. Insane, knowing they are dying, and looking for targets. Mutation zombies previous cited will be as often objects to pity as monsters to fear.


A 3rd zombie type I've called the G-Zombie, short for graphene zombie, named after the toxin we know know is in all the shots in various amounts.
GrapheneOxide Microbubbles Drug Delivery System in VAX to be used to create 5G ZOMBIE (variant name: MarburgVirus) Its all guess work here as no one knows how the graphene will react to 5G emf radiation. It certain to have an effect, but will it just kill and cripple those in range? or is the hidden tech advance enough to take people over and turn them into killer zombies?

GRAPHENE MICROBUBBLES (Microfluidic Biochips). These Microbubbles are hatched via frequency pulses. The "Octopus" acts as a signal receiver/emitter that will attach to internal organs. 5G Psychotronic Frequency Based Weapon System will emit frequency wave pulses targeting designated populations, which will activate Graphene Microbubbles Drug Delivery System unleashing manufactured Zombie Virus (Marburg Virus?) within those whom have been vaccinated creating an infectious outbreak. The "Octopus" will receive the 5G signal pulse and re-emit it to the organ it has attached to; with Microbubbles unloading its toxic payload into such organ; where the graphene leakage (Black Goo) will cause blood clotting, thrombosis, aneurysms and thus internal leakage.
quote, spanish researchers, unproven

What is certain is the findings of Karen Kingston who found the graphene as part of each of the vax patents hidden as trade secret.
Double whammy, another researcher found the makers sending out toxic batches just to test how much they can put into a person before they die. See those results in a previous blog post of mine.


Our final zombie may turn out to be the most common, with a very short lifespan. Experts are in agreement that all the vaccines destroy a persons natural immunity, the more shots they have the quicker they will die. We should expect an onslaught of immuno-deficient diseases over the next. Incurable, AIDS type sicknesses that will kill millions with many loved ones not realising its all caused by the 'booster' the patient has the year before.

Bill gates must be the happiest homicidal lunatic on Earth. As a side effect, if the injection doesn't kill you its will make you sterile.

In one interview with The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex Newman, celebrated former military doctor and bioweapons expert Dr. Lee Merritt offers her thoughts on recent claims that vaccinated individuals may be "shedding" spike proteins or something else that is hurting unvaccinated people--especially women. Blood clots, odd menstrual occurrences, and more are all examined. She says doctors need to listen to their patients, and that something is going on, but more research will be needed to figure out. Dr. Merritt, the former head of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons, also spoke about previous research into "self-propagating" vaccines, including efforts to reduce a mouse population in Australia using similar technologies. Finally, she blasted recent CDC efforts to push the experimental shot on children who are not even at serious risk from COVID.

Lies and corrupt govt and media are all in bed with the Cabal. [Vaccines in general DO NOT WORK] (


Europe - murdered graphene expert His explanation on di-ox graphene explains all the super fit athletes dropping dead. Its looking a lot like the graphene acts like invisible razor blades causing the super-sized bloodclots and heart attacks. Its time to call it - its a Bioweapon.
Believe it if you want to live.
The Cabal is genociding humanity.
The govts are helping them.
So good luck on surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, and for those who make it to the other side, unless you want this to happen again, focus on finding the cabal, execute them.
Take the hedge funds and asset strip them all.
Stay focused: they will hide and they will run.
But THEY are your enemy.



1privateers.jpgthese are the corporations murdering humanity

faminefarm.jpg you bet - famine is next on the cabals list

Extra refs below;
Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics (pdf)

Encyclopedia Of Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (pdf)

[Nanotechnology [Synthesis to Applications] (pdf)] (




Properties of GRAPHENE & EMF, 5G [Part II] (La Quinta Columna, Orwell City)



Sad stuff that's happening but hopefully more wake up and we can turn this crap around to a better world.

Your right! 2,572 people died in Australia from Covid all killed by the Governement and its bioweapon.